Chapter 9

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Jimin pov

It's been 2 weeks since y/n started to come to school.

I tried everything I could to make her talk back to me, I did almost all the pranks I could think of, but no! Nothing is working!

Why am I doing this? Well, I have been asking the same question to myself, but I don't know the answer, maybe it has become my daily routine to fight with her.

In the home, she is always in her room, reading and comes down only to have her meals, and in school she is either at the library or in class, again reading.

Yesterday she fell asleep in the library and Tae was with her, so he brought her home carrying her.

It's been ages since we all saw her smile, the others were worried that she would fall into depression.

We all know the love that she had for her father and how important he was in her life.

She never got the love of a mother, but Lee appa was her everything.

"Did you try talking to her at home?" Tae asked me, who was sitting next to me.

"Why would I talk to her when she is ignoring me," I scoffed, Dalmi shook her head at me.

"She doesn't even remember my birthday," Jungkook pouted, sadness evident in his eyes.

"It would always be y/n who first gets excited for my birthday, she would always take care of my birthday party preparation but this time she seems like she doesn't remember it at all," Jungkook said.

"Maybe she doesn't even remember what date it is kookie, don't worry, she will wish you on your birthday," Taehyung patted his back.

"No party this time?" I asked, since as far as I know they haven't started any preparations.

"I don't feel like celebrating without Lee appa," Jungkook said, I guessed it.

"Don't worry she will come around soon, she isn't the one to keep crying over something forever," I tried to comfort him.

Taehyung pov

I just had lunch with the others and we were all in class now.

Jimin was fast asleep beside y/n, I was sitting behind her, next to a classmate of ours explaining to him a sum in maths while Dalmi and Jungkook were sitting behind me, talking about something. 

The maths teacher came in, he was an old man who always vents his anger on us.

He came in and started shouting, "most of, I mean more than half of the class didn't know to do the sum number 12th in the last test! You all should be preparing for your university entrance exams now, but you aren't even able to solve a simple math problem..." he went on and on.

Jimin was still sleeping, and I could see y/n wasn't paying attention. She was doodling something on her notebook. I am sure she should be one of those who did the sum in the test.

After a good 5 minutes, he stopped and said, " I will do the sum on the board, copy it down!"

Everyone took out their notebook, "over?" I heard Jungkook ask, I turned towards them, Dalmi nodded.

Jungkook sighed out and took off the earbuds from his ears, he always does this whenever the teachers start yelling.

After a few minutes, he finished writing, the sum was written on the whole board, it was a very big sum.

When the teacher turned around, he saw Jimin sleeping and slammed his hands hard on the table, Jimin flinched and woke up.

"What did he say?" He asked y/n, "he told you to rub the board," y/n said, absentmindedly.

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