Chapter 6

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It's been two days since y/n's father passed away, all the last rituals were done, many people visited and paid respect, he was a very kind soul, and his death was a pain to many people.

He always wanted to be next to his wife, so his grave was next to his wife's. It was a big land, with peaceful silence and fresh air, a little far away from the city.

It was his land which he bought for his wife. She wanted to be under the big cherry blossom tree which stood alone in the vast area of grass. She said that she wanted to shower her visitors with flowers.

"You both are here together now, leaving me all alone here," y/n whispered, kneeling in front of her parents grave which stood next to each other, the blossoms showering her with a soft breeze.

All the other 5 families were there too, everyone was broken, but now all they were worried about was y/n, they didn't know how y/n is gonna come out of her grief.

"Let's go y/n," Mrs Min held her shoulder.

Y/n didn't answer, she stood up and walked out of the gate and to one of the cars that were there.

She got in and Yoongi, Jin and Jisoo took the car with her while the others took the other cars.

Y/n leaned her head onto Jin's shoulder, the whole ride was silent while y/n silently cried.

She hasn't been eating for 2 days and didn't sleep either.

They all reached the Lee mansion, and the elders planned to cook something for everyone, as the other kids too didn't have proper meals.

Mr Park, Mr Min, Mrs Min and Mr Jeon were discussing a few important things regarding y/n, while Mr Kim, Mrs Jung and Mrs Park were cooking.

Mr Jung, Mrs Jeon and Mrs Kim were with the kids.

Yoongi tried to make a conversation with y/n, but she didn't mind replying to him nor listening to what the others were talking about.

She was in her own world of darkness.

"The food is ready, let's eat everyone," Mrs Park came into the living room.

Everyone got up to eat except y/n.

"Y/n," Yoongi called, "you go eat, I don't want to eat now," she answered.

"You haven't eaten anything y/n, it's not good for your health, come!" Mrs Min sternly stated.

Injae dragged y/n to the dining area where everyone took a seat.

"Eat something eonni," Areum, who was sitting next to y/n said, in her baby voice.

But y/n was sitting still, not moving a muscle.

Jin, who was sitting on the other side of y/n, sighed and picked up y/n's chopsticks.

"Here, ahh," he put the chopstick in front of her mouth.

Y/n stared at the food for a few seconds before opening her mouth.

The others internally sighed in relief, Jin fed her a little more and when he made sure that she was full he started eating his food.

After their lunch everyone gathered in the living room, Mr Park cleared his throat, "y/n, Junghoon has given me the responsibility to take care of you till you turn 21 and he has written a will that says all his properties are mine now and when you turn 21 you will get everything, till you are capable to run the business I will be taking care of that too," he said.

"When did appa do all this?" Y/n asked, finally talking.

"Last year," Mr Park mumbled as everyone looked at him confused except Mr Min.

"Explain Park appa," y/n said, more like demanding, why was there a need to do this last year?

"JungHoon came to know that he has cancer 2 years back, I tried my best for a year, but then I came to know that it can't be cured and it was too late, so when he came to know about all this he asked your Park appa to take care of everything and did everything he can do for your future." Mr Min said.

Y/n remained silent for a few seconds before she burst out.

"So you knew everything, but none of you said anything about this to me, am I even a part of this family? Who all already knew about this," y/n looked at everyone who was in the room.

"We both were the only ones who knew about this dear, and he didn't want to tell you about anything because he didn't want to worry you, he wanted to spend his last days happily with you," Mr Park patted her head.

"So what about after he left me? He always wanted to be with his wife and he left me, he didn't even think about me, he didn't even think about leaving me all alone in this world and happily left to his wife," y/n cried.

"You have us y/n," Mrs Kim said.

"I don't want anyone, he thought I would be ok after he left me alone here right? So let me be alone, I don't want anyone," y/n shouted, she was frustrated.

"He left you just because he knew that we are here for you baby, he didn't leave you alone, we are your family y/n," Mr Jung tried to console her.

"I want to be alone for some time," y/n said and ran upstairs to her father's room.

The others sighed seeing her retreating figure.

"Let her be, she needs time, you can take her home when she is ready," Mr Jeon said, patting Mr Park's shoulder.

"I will stay here with y/n, you all can leave," Jungkook said, after wiping his tears. "I will also stay, JungMi," said.

"No, it will only make her even more upset, we will come back tomorrow," Namjoon advised.

Jungkook hesitantly nodded and left with the others.

Y/n pov

I felt both sad and angry, angry at myself.

I was living under the same roof as him, but I didn't know that he was suffering for 2 years.

I failed as a daughter, I didn't even take care of my appa properly.

As soon as I entered his room, the photo of me and appa caught my eyes.

It was taken recently when we both went to a restaurant to have lunch. We both looked so happy in that picture, our big smiles that made the photo look brighter.

I took the picture from the wall and hugged it, crying my heart out again.

Then the photo of my eomma and appa with me in her womb was there on his nightstand.

That is the only family photo we have.

I don't have a single photo with my eomma, but I have a lot with my appa, and I wanted to take more, but he left me.

He won't wake me up with his sweet words anymore, he won't cook me his delicious meals anymore, he won't help me with school anymore, he won't stand by my side when I get into trouble anymore, he won't be coming with me on the weekends anymore when I go out.

Thinking about all the memories that I had with him made me cry, even more, it hurts me inside out knowing that he won't be there with me to make any more memories.

I went to his closet and took out one of his shirts and wrapped it around me.

His cologne hit my nostrils, it put me in a peaceful state of mind like usual, but it hurt me more knowing that his scent will keep fading away from now.

I know the others are trying their best to hide their pain and keep me company, but I just can't take in everything and need some time.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

Tried my best to express the feelings through words, and got inspired for the cherry blossom from my favourite movie "sanam teri kasam"❤️

What do you think about the series so far? I know not many y/nxJimin moments are there yet, but you will get them soon😉

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