Chapter 35

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Make sure to check the previous chapter that I posted today before this!

Author pov

y/n and Jimin were back from another business event, it was almost 11 in the night and both of them were tired.

Jimin heard y/n groan from the walk in closet, "what's wrong?" he asked, loosening his tie and removing his belt.

"Can't get this zip open," she answered, "want help?" Jimin asked, walking into the closet, y/n was turning her back to him and her hands were trying to reach the zip that was stuck in the middle of her back, half of her back exposed to the man. 

"Yes, please," she pleaded. He took a deep breath before stepping forward and raised his hands.

His cold hands grabbed the zip and lightly touched her glowing skin, making her shiver slightly.

He pulled the zipper all the way down her tailbone as he tried his best to keep his eyes off her welcoming body.

He took another step forward, his front pressed against her exposed back, making her breath hitch, "are you trying to do something?" he whispered right into her ear.

"Do w-what?" her voice was barely above a whisper because of how close he was and his breath directly hitting her neck.

He moved even closer if that was even possible and bent down a little more, resting his chin on her shoulder, "trying to seduce me? 'Cause let me tell you, you are doing a great job, I can't think about anything else other than pinning you right on this mirror and ruin you all night right in front of this mirror, so that you could see how much of a mess you will be when it happens," he said, his voice an octave lower, her face turned red and a shiver ran down her spine with his dirty talk, and he wasn't looking any less hot.

He was smoking hot, his top few buttons open, his shirt messy with his tie. She could see his sexy neck and collarbone which were inviting her and those lips were asking her to take a bite.

God! Have some mercy on me.

"Wanna shower with me?" he asked all of a sudden, making her widen her eyes. He chuckled seeing her reaction and turned her around, his eyes were soft now, as if he didnt talk dirty a few seconds ago.

"I was just teasing, I would never make you do something you are uncomfortable with," he placed a lovely kiss on her forehead and walked out of the closet and to the bathroom, leaving a frustrated woman behind.

But she wasn't uncomfortable with Jimin, she was ready to do anything if it's with him, he made her feel secure with him like no one else and she didn't mind being in the most vulnerable state in front of him.

She took a deep breath before following him, the bathroom door was slightly creaked open, she confirmed it wasn't locked and stepped in and closed the door behind her.

y/n heard the shower running, as she slid her dress down her shoulders and it fell, pooling her ankles.

After getting rid of her clothing, she walked to the shower, Jimin was turning his back to the shower door as she opened it slowly and walked in.

y/n admired his back for a second, his muscles flexing when he raised his hand and ran his fingers through his hair.

He flinched when she slid her arms around his torso from the back and rested her head on his back.

"y/n?" Jimin called out to confirm if it was really her, she released him from her hug as he turned around and his eyes widened when he saw that she was fully naked and his cheeks dusted red when he realised he too was naked in front of her.

"I am comfortable with anything if it's with you," she smiled, his heart fluttering hearing this.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, making her naked form crush into his, he looked into her eyes before attaching his lips with hers.

The water flowed down their bodies, as his lips moved in sync with hers, each time felt like the first time they kissed with the sparks going off in their heart and funny feeling in their stomach.

His hands roamed her back and her fingers tugged his wet hair knowing that he always liked it when she did it while kissing. Jimin pinned her to the wall and tightly gripped the sides of her waist.

His tongue licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gave, he put his tongue into her and roamed every corner of her mouth.

"Let's bath, hmm?" Jimin said, when they pulled away, both of them wanted something more, but something held them back from doing it.

After showering, they dried themselves and got dressed in their pajamas.

Jimin came back into the room from the closet with a box in his hand that y/n failed to notice. He sat on the bed next to her after placing the box on the nightstand.

y/n, who was on her phone kept it aside and looked at Jimin who was already looking at her.

She opened her mouth to say something but was shut by his lips, she smiled and kissed him back.

When they both pulled away, Jimin held the box in front of her, and said, "happy birthday y/nie," he pecked her forehead, and opened the box.

"I thought of getting a neck piece but since you already wear the one Lee appa gave, I bought this bracelet." he said, y/n smiled and thanked him before extending her hand towards him.

Her heart warmed at his kind gesture,  he was truly an angel sent from the heavens that this earth did not deserve at all.

"You like it?" he asked, "I love it," she grinned, Jimin took the bracelet out of the box and put it around her wrist.

It was a gold chain with a little diamond in the middle with other tiny diamonds next to it.

"Thank you," she said, pecking his lips.

They both went to bed after a few minutes, Jimin was fast asleep next to y/n who was awake, her mind wasn't shutting down for her to peacefully sleep.

She turned around in his arms and looked at the guy who has been on her mind a lot these few days.

His arms were wrapped around her, keeping her close to him. She cupped one of his cheeks and admired him, a smile took over her face thinking about how caring he is.

She recalled those times when they always used to bicker and to their last year in high school, how they both feared if it was the end of whatever relationship they had and next how they both made up and became closer to now. Now they both were in a stage something more than just friends.

Their relationship with each other was always complicated and now y/n knew she liked him, not just as a friend but as a man, but she was scared to acknowledge it.

Some unknown fear stopped her and that fear made her decide to hide her feelings and move on.

She wanted to end this, so that her feelings won't grow anymore, but she liked the feeling of being with him way too much that she didn't actually do it yet.

She pecked his plump lips, while he was still asleep and kept admiring how angelic he was even in the dim lit room.

She hugged him tighter and nuzzled her face into his chest as he pulled her closer in his sleep and fell asleep.

One of them was ready to take a step forward while the other was taking a step backward.

One of my favourite chapters in this series, look forward to the next chapter coz it's one of my favourites too and also important too👀💀

Happy reading!💖

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