Bonus 3

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Taehyung pov

I moved around in the bed, trying to find my husband, but when I felt the empty spot beside me, I opened my eyes and looked around, I heard the shower running, he must be in there.

I yawned sitting up and pulled the sheets up to cover my naked bottom. Last night we had a movie night with y/n and Jimin and slept there leaving our kids with Jin hyung.

Having kids reduced the alone time we had for each other, so we took the opportunity yesterday and had little fun.

The sound of the bathroom door opening brought me out of my thoughts as I looked up at my husband walking out of the shower wearing sweatpants which were dangerously hanging on his waist and a towel around his neck, water droplets dripping from his hair.

He looked hot as fuck.

As soon as he noticed I was awake and was admiring him, his eyes widened and he started blushing.

He is such a cutie and is always shy. It's me who is always the top in the bed but if you touch the right button, you will see the sexy dom Jungkook.

"You look hot, baby," I whispered, he blushed looking down, but let me show you some magic!

"Just like Minho, don't you think he looked so hot in the movie yesterday, I absolutely loved him," I said, keeping the most innocent face possible and by the time I completed speaking, I could see his eyes twitch.

His eyes were burning with fire, the shy bunny disappeared! It's the double bunny now, and beware of the double bunny!

"Oh?" he raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his lips and I was becoming hard just by the sight of this Jungkook.

He took slow but steady steps towards me, all the while keeping eye contact with me.

He stood right in front of me as I looked up at him, he held my chin with his pointer and thumb finger and lifted my head up fully, he didn't say anything, but leaned in and kissed me, of course, I kissed back excitedly.

He pulled back before it could escalate too far and looked down, his face still inches away from mine, when I realised where his eyes were, I gathered the sheets more towards me to hide my junior who was standing tall and proud waiting to be taken care of.

When I looked back at him, he was already looking at me, my chin still in his hold and his nose touching mine, "look at you already hard just by a kiss, will that guy in the movie be able to do this to you, Tae?" he asked, he always calls me hyung, but if he is jealous then it's Tae.

I immediately shook my head, making him chuckle as he let go of my chin and gripped the sides of my troso and lifted me up easily, making me gasp.

He laid me down and crawled over to me, hovering above me.

He leaned down once again, but before his lips could touch mine, we both stopped when we heard yelling from the next room.

"You never thought you should have talked about this to me?" it was Jimin who was yelling.

We both immediately got up as Jungkook ran out and I got dressed before following him.

Y/n was sitting on the bed, looking down while Jimin was pacing back and forth, "answer me!" he yelled again.

Both Jungkook and I flinched as we stood at the doorstep.

"It is me who is gonna carry the baby, it is my body and my decision," y/n calmly replied back, "I am your husband for fucks sake y/n! I have all the rights to know about it," Jimin once again shouted.

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