Chapter 24

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*The first year of their university isn't much written, it will be over within 2 or 3 chapters and we will move on to their 2nd year where much more important events take place.

And before we go into the chapter I will let you guys know about each character so that you could get an idea in what department they are in.

Jin is aspiring to become an actor and is in his last year with Yoongi who is taking his culinary courses. Injae is also in her 3rd year and is taking courses for her architecture degree.

The 2nd years, Namjoon is wanting to become a producer and is in the music department, Hoseok is in the dance department, Jisoo is taking her hair dressing course aiming to become a hairstylist, and Jungmi is in the medical department for getting her gynecologist degree and MD degree.

The 1st years, Jimin and y/n are in the business department, Taehyung is aspiring to become a model and Dalmi is a CPA student and Jungkook is taking his fashion designing courses.

"Where is y/n?" I asked Dalmi, "she is on her periods and the cramps are killing her, so she is taking rest in the dorm," she said.

It's been almost 6 months since we started our 1st year university, only me and y/n joined the business department, so we have been going to our classes together everyday.

She always has a hot pack with her, so I decided to buy her some chocolates and her favorite milkshake before going to the girls' dorm.

I called her a few times but she didn't pick up, so I took the risk and sneaked in. I knew her dorm room window so I climbed up the huge water pipes and jumped into the balcony.

The sliding door was unlocked, so I walked into the room.

She was laying down on the bed, with her hot pack on her stomach.

I lightly shook her as she opened her eyes, "Jimin?" she slowly sat up, "how did you get in?" she asked, "I climbed up the pipe, here I bought you some chocolates and milkshake," I passed her the bag and sat next to her.

"You are the best, Jiminie!" She hugged me and opened the chocolate cover and started eating.

After completing the whole chocolate bar, she again took the hot pack and laid down placing the pack on her stomach.

"You want something else?" I asked her, she thought for a moment before nodding her head and scooting to the corner of her bed.

"Cuddle me," she patted the space next to her on the bed, I gulped before slowly laying down next to her, she turned around and pushed herself into me, her back pressed against my chest, she took my hand and placed it around her waist.

Sister, sister, sister...

I kept chanting the word like a mantra.

My hands involuntarily lifted up her t-shirt a little and I placed my warm palm on her abdomen and she sighed and snuggled closer.

After a few minutes she was asleep in my arms. To get a comfortable position, I lifted her head a little and placed my arms under her head, she turned around facing me.

My heart skipped a beat seeing her sleeping peacefully in my arms, does Jungkook feel the same every time they cuddle? Why can't I see her as a sister like the others?

I didn't know how to figure out my feelings but all I wanted was these feelings to not hurt both of us, especially I don't want to hurt her in any means.

I stayed like that for a few minutes before leaving. I don't want to get caught by anyone so it's better to leave when the classes are still going on in the university.

"You didn't attend the classes?" Jungkook asked as soon as he got into the dorms, "y/n wasn't feeling well, so I went to see her today," I shrugged. I was sitting on the study table and going through a few topics that should be revised.

"Is she ok now?" he asked, "she just texted a few minutes ago that she was feeling better now," I said.

He nodded and took out his phone, probably to text y/n.

"Where is Tae?" I asked, "he got a call from appa a few minutes ago and said he will come in a few minutes," he answered, making me nod.

After a few minutes the door was opened with a loud bang and a very brightly smiling Taehyung entered the room, "I got an offer to model for Flourish, Jeon appa said if I work good with this he would give me more offers in future too and also we could sing a contract for 5 years," he shouted at the top of his lungs, it took us both a moment to realise what he said and we both threw ourselves at him, "future model Taehyung ah," I chuckled, "I am so proud of you Tae," I said , "congratulations hyung," Jungkook said.

"Let's tell everyone else too and organise a party to celebrate it!" Jungkook exclaimed, making Taehyung nod eagerly.

Last week Jin hyung got a role for the second male lead in a drama by a big director, and now Tae got this offer.

"We should celebrate for both Jin hyung and you, this weekend is perfect," I said, "god! I can't believe my first work would be for FLOURISH! For the biggest fashion house in Korea," Taehyung fell on his bed and stared dearmily at the ceiling with a big smile on his face, "appa didn't even tell me about this!" Jungkook exclaimed, but was still smiling widely, he was as happy as I was for our friend.

A very short chapter, I know 😅
actually feeling something and thinking that you feel something is different, you know?🤔
posting today coz I won't be able to tmr.

Happy reading!💖

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