Chapter 23

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I entered the big mansion with Jimin by my side, the outer look was amazing and the inner look was just impossibly beautiful.

I started roaming around the place even before greeting everyone.

There were 6 bedrooms in which only 2 were being used now, Injae eonni and Jin oppa were using a room and Yoongi oppa was using one and this year, Namjoon, Hobi, Jungmi and Jisoo were going to stay here.

Other than the rooms, there was a big library, a gaming room, a home theater, and a pool outside with a garden beside it and also a gym room.

"I don't want to stay in the dorms, this place is so beautiful and in the dorms I have to stay with two other strangers," I whined sitting on the couch in the living room.

There were 3 couches, which were huge in the living room and in the middle a tea table was kept and in front of it a huge TV was placed.

The kitchen was built beautifully and next to it was the dining area with a big dining table.

"Why do you have to stay with 2 other strangers?" Jisoo eonni asked, "isn't it 4 students per room? That's how I have seen in the dramas," I asked.

"No, we have options to choose if we want a 2 beds room, 3 beds room or 4 beds room, and you can take a 2 beds room with Dalmi," Jungmi eonni said.

"We can also take a 4 beds room and 2 of us can share a bed right?" I asked, "the dorms for girls and boys are in different buildings," Injae eonni said.

"In the first place why do they have to make this rule to stay in the dorms compulsory for the first years," I whined.

"It's to see how the students are and if they are bad at studies then they have to stay in the dorm the next year too and attend special classes, that's why our universities always give a good output," Dalmi eonni said.

"Very cruel," I pouted and slumped back on the couch, the boys were out to get drinks while we girls were at home.

"Why did 7 of them go to get only drinks?" Dalmi eonni asked, "not only drinks they went to get snacks and dinner too," Injae eonni answered.

They got home an hour later each holding a bag in their hand.

The elders were arranging the food while me, Kook, Jimin, Tae and Jungmi were in the game room and Dalmi eonni being the good girl she is, went to help others.

Jimin pov

Kook and y/n were playing against each other, Tae and Jungmi were playing with the basketballs seeing who would get the highest score.

y/n was about to win and she got up from her seat, her fingers vigorously tapping on the controller, Jungkook groaned when he lost one more point to y/n.

He pushed y/n a little, in hopes she would lose concentration but she didn't take her eyes off the screen and fell right on top of me.

She landed on my lap and continued playing the game, my breath hitched when she fell on me, my nose touched her cheeks as she was sitting sideways, "you cheater, i am gonna make you lose," she yelled before jumping in victory and landed right on my lap again.

"Yah! Stop jumping, you are sitting on me, not the couch!" I finally gained my voice back and held her hips making her stop jumping.

She only giggled, does she even see me as a man?

Of course she doesn't, see her as a sister, Jimin!

I have lost count on the number of times I have scolded myself for the same thing now.

"Here," she handed me the controller and got comfortable on my lap, "get off me y/n my legs will get numb," I whined and got the controller from her.

"I don't care," she sang and rested her head on my shoulder, her breath directly hitting my neck, "let's start, hyung," Jungkook said and started the game, how am i supposed to concentrate?

Jungkook won in the next 5 minutes against me easily, "wow, what's wrong with you today," he asked, turning to me.

"Nothing," I said and turned around with her still on my lap. Taehyung was looking right at me and when my eyes met his, he gave me a teasing smile and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Everything is ready!" we heard from outside and y/n sprinted towards the door dragging Jungkook with her.

I finally sighed in relief and got up.

The drinks and the snacks were arranged on the dining table while the dinner for tonight was on the tea table in the living room.

The 12 of us took our seats on the couch and had a light dinner before cleaning them up and got ready for the drinks.

y/n went to Yoongi hyung and he was saying each drink's name.

"Strat with Beer, it has the least alcohol content in it," he said and poured a glass for her, I have only drunk soju so far, so I too was with Yoongi hyung, he was the one who knew a lot about drinks since that guy has been sneaking drinks since he was 16.

"Eww, this tastes..." her face was morphed into disgust, I took a sip and realised her reaction was understandable but I still liked it.

"Yaak, why do people even drink this," Taehyung shouted, he was having a beer can in his hand, and his face was showing disgust more than y/n's did.

Jisoo noona laughed at him.

After a few minutes, y/n emptied the beer can and was half drunk while I was sitting next to her on my second can. It seems like I do have a good alcohol capacity.

Yoongi hyung handed us a glass of wine while he was having a whiskey.

The next was vodka and y/n was already very drunk, she kept babbling nonsense. We tried stopping her but she was stubborn, almost everyone except Injae, Jisoo, Yoongi and me were drunk.

y/n was dancing with Jungmi and Jungkook for the past one hour now, "it's better if we put them to bed now," Injae eonni sighed.

We took one by one to bed and Injae eonni came to me when everyone was put to bed, "she is still awake, I have changed her clothes, I have to go to Jin now, you take care of her," she said and I nodded.

"y/n was laying on the bed, but instantly got up the next second and ran to the bathroom, I followed her and found her crouched in front of the sink and throwing up.

I held her hair and caressed her back slowly and when she was done, I helped her wash her face and mouth before taking her to bed.

I laid her down on the bed and pulled the sheets to cover her, she held my wrist and mumbled something.

"I am falling, I am going down, don't leave me," she mumbled, I sat next to her and held her hand tightly, "don't leave my hand, I will fall," she mumbled again.

She was so drunk that her head was spinning like this.

"Shh, I am right beside you, I will hold your hand," i whispered in her ear, softly stroking her hair, she kept mumbling for a few more minutes before falling asleep, I got myself comfortable on the bed and leaned my back on the headboard, she placed her head on my lap and held my hand tightly.

I started the idol Taehyung series yesterday! Will be posting that every Sunday for a few weeks.

Happy reading!💖

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