Chapter 5

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Y/n pov

I started writing my test and was halfway done with it when my phone started to continuously buzz from my pocket.

I tried to ignore it, but it kept buzzing, so I took it out of my pocket but kept it under the desk and opened the screen to see a lot of texts from appa's secretary.

I read the last text from the notifications and my heart stopped beating for a second.

Mr Lee is in the hospital y/n, it's an emergency, please come here as soon as possible, I have sent the driver to pick you up.

It read.

I immediately put my pen down and got up, the chair making a screeching sound.

I ran out of the class, I heard my teacher calling for me, but it didn't matter to me.

I saw our car at the entrance and got in clutching my phone tightly in my hand.

My heart was beating fast, my palms sweating.

I reached the hospital and saw uncle Choi at the entrance, "come with me dear," he said and started walking.

"What happened to him? It's nothing serious right?" I asked.

He didn't answer but led me to the elevator and then when we reached the floor he walked me to the VIP ward.

I saw Min appa and Park appa hugging each other and crying.

It made me even more nervous.

I neared them and Min appa saw me first.

"Y/n..." he called out, "what is it? Where is appa? What happened to him?" I asked everything I could ask.

Tears were already threatening to fall.

"I know this is all of a sudden for you dear, but... JungHoon..." Min appa gulped, avoiding eye contact, while Park appa was leaning against the wall and still crying.

"You are scaring me Min appa," I muttered.

"He... he is no more dear," he finally said.

I felt like my world came crashing down on me, my father was my everything, I never thought a day like this would come.

"You- you are l-lying right?" My lips trembled, still not believing what I just heard.

"If you want you can go see him, dear," he said, it felt like he said 'go see your father for the last time.'

"I don't believe you, appa wouldn't leave me," I harshly wiped off the tears that fell and walked into the room that Min appa was pointing at.

Park appa was now on the ground, still crying.

I walked in and saw many wires that were connected to appa's body, he was laying on the hospital bed lifeless, I neared him, and noticed his chest which wasn't moving.

He can't be... no way, appa won't leave me alone like this.

I touched his hand and took it in mine, "appa... please wake up, I know you all are just playing with me," I choked out.

"Fine, you got me, now please open your eyes appa," I let out a chuckle.

"Appa!" I slightly raised my voice.

"Y/n..." I heard Min appa again, "I know it's hard for you dear, but please..." he came closer.

"No! I won't believe you! Appa promised me he won't leave me like eomma did," I sobbed, hugging appa.

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