Chapter 25

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Y/n pov

I pulled the hood over my head and lowered the cap as I entered the boys dorm.

I was bored and Dalmi eonni is always with the book of hers, studying her ass off.

Jungkook has once mentioned to me about his room number and I already knew the floor that they were in, as I calculated it with the balcony.

I reached their floor and walked by each room checking the room numbers, and I didnt see in front of me which led me to bump into someone.

The force made my cap fall off and the hood fell off my head, my eyes widened as I looked at the shocked face of an unknown handsome guy in front of me.

And the next second I was pulled into a dark place, it was the small space between the stairs and the elevator.

I opened my mouth to ask him why he pulled me here but before that he put his palms over my mouth and shut me up, "shh, the dorm in charge is on his rounds," he whispered and just then I saw a middle aged man crossing us, since it was dark in here he wasn't able to see us.

We both sighed in relief when he went past us, "thank you so much," I turned to the handsome stranger and smiled at him, "why are you here? Aren't you the heiress of Lee enterprises?" he asked, taking a close look at my face with the help of the little light we had here.

I hated it when people got to know me even before i could tell them my name, it was all because of the stupid media.

"Yes I am, but will you please keep this a secret? I am here to see my friends," I pleaded, "right, they 3 are on this floor, and don't worry, it will be our little secret," he winked at me, I blushed a little and thanked the darkness for covering it.

We both moved out of the place and Taehyung who was passing by stopped and looked at me, his eyes widened and then his eyes moved to my side where the guy was.

Oppa didn't waste a second before pulling me with him, he opened the door to a room and walked in closing it behind him. Jimin and Jungkook who were doing their work before we entered were both looking at us now.

"Why are you here? What were you doing there with that guy? Who is he?" he asked all at once, "I was bored in my room and thought of coming here, it was all going well until I bumped into him and my cap fell off then your dorm incharge was coming so we both were hiding there until he went, but I don't know who he is," I answered all of his questions and moved to Jungkook and sat on his bed.

"That's so cool y/niee," he grinned, "cool? If you got caught it would have spread like wildfire and that's not what we want for our image," Jimin scolded, "he is right, don't ever do this again," Tae oppa said, "don't mind them," Jungkook whispered in my ear to which I grinned at him.

"Didnt you also sneak into my room that day?" I asked Jimin, "that was because you weren't feeling well y/n," he fought back, "wait when did this happen?" Jungkook butted in, "last week," I said.

"Woahh, that's so romantic of you Jimin," oppa said, grinning teasingly at Jimin, "oh, so it's romantic if he did it but if she does it it's risky?" Jungkook asked.

"Huh! Answer him oppa," I demanded.

I spent the whole afternoon there and left with Jungkook, he safely escorted me to the entrance where I saw that handsome guy again.

"Kook, Kook, Kook," I vigorously patted his shoulder and made him turn to my side, "what?" he whined, rubbing his shoulder.

"Look at that guy! He is the one who saved me this afternoon, I have to know everything about him!" I exclaimed, "oh! That Choi Eunwoo, he is from my department, my senior, but why do you wanna know about him?" he asked, "well... I may have developed a tiny crush on him," I said, smiling shyly.

"Oh my god! Your first crush! But you just met him y/n," he was excited at first but it slowly went away when he said the last words.

"So? I don't care," I shrugged, "shall I set you up with him?" he wiggled his eyebrows, "as if you let me set you up with your crush," I scoffed, "y/n," he whined, "you know if it doesn't workout everything that we have now will be ruined and I don't want that to happen, will you ever date me?" he asked.

"No! I can't see you as something other than a best friend," I said without thinking twice, "ok then, Tae hyung?" he asked, "kook you know other than you and Jimin I see everyone else as brother," I said, "then will you ever date Jimin hyung?" he asked, "I... don't know, will I?" I asked, I wasn't as sure as the others with Jimin about my feelings.

I imagined how it would be like to have him as a partner and it wasn't that bad. But what if it doesn't work out and our friendship gets ruined?

I sighed, he was right, but I dont want his first love to be an unrequited love. "This Eunwoo is going to be a secret between us and no one should know," I demanded to which he nodded, "don't worry Kookie, you will find someone else, there is plenty of fishes in the sea," I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and walked ahead.

"And we are gonna move out of the dorms next month! We are gonna complete our 1st year successfully, life is also fair sometimes, isn't it," I smiled.

It's going to be almost 2 years since I lost appa, at first I was so angry and sad that he was no more with me, but I have learned to live with it, and life isn't that bad, even though it took my appa away he showed me a big family that considers me as their own and showers me with love.

Something came up and I wasn't able to post the last few days, I am very sorry, I will post the 2nd chapter of Taehyung series too today!

Happy reading!💖

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