Chapter 29

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"We girls will get her ready," Jisoo jumped up from her seat excitedly as the other girls dragged y/n with them to Jisoo's room.

They started with waxing, y/n wasn't used to waxing, this was her first time.

Injae handed her a face mask while Jungmi prepared the waxing strips.

"This might hurt a little, baby," Dalmi warned before she put the strip on her leg and pulled it back harshly, she screamed in pain grabbing the attention of the boys outside.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, worried, "nothing to worry about, I think they are waxing," Jin said, being very experienced with his girlfriend.

"Now back to our plan, me and Yoongi will stay back and you 5 are going to follow her and see how their dates goes, we have to see how he behaves with her and you have to be on video call with us," Jin explained the plan.

"But don't you think if 5 of us go it would grab a lot of attention?" Taehyung asked. "The more the merrier hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed.

After waxing, y/n took a shower and got dressed in a floral print, peach colour dress that she looked so beautiful in, and the girls did a natural make up on her.

During the date

"I can't hear them, should we go closer?" Tae asked, "we can't invade their privacy like that, Tae," Namjoon said, "aren't we already doing it," Hobi scoffed.

The boys were sitting at the table next to the couple wearing their masks and hats, they had a phone covered with the menu card and the camera directed towards them, Jin and Yoongi with the other girls were watching what was going on through the video call.

"They are ordering food, but they both are so awkward with each other," Tae analysed, "first dates are mostly like that," Namjoon explained.

Tae being an inexperienced ass in this nodded his head.

2 male in the group of 5 were silent the whole time, and they lost it when he held her hand from the other side of the table, "what the fuck! He is holding her hand," Jungkook slightly yelled while the other stayed silent, but this caught the attention of the couple.

Eunwoo noticed the camera directed towards them and walked to the table where the 4 boys cursed the youngest one.

"What the- why are you all here?!" y/n, who recognised them asked, Eunwoo stopped in his tracks when he heard y/n.

"Just- just having a meal y/n," Nmajoon tried to lie.

Jin hit his forehead with his hands and asked Hobi to hand the phone to Eunwoo.

"Hello Eunwoo-shi, it's Seokjin here. I am y/n's brother and I am very sorry for what my brothers did, but would you like to have dinner with our group tomorrow?" Jin asked politely, Eunwoo thought for a moment before he agreed.

"I hate you all," she pointed at the boys as she grabbed Eunwoo's hand and walked away.

"I am very sorry that our first date got ruined," y/n apologized as soon as they excited the restaurant, "its okay y/n they were just protective of you, I understand," Eunwoo smiled, "you are so sweet, thank you Eunwoo," y/n grinned at the boy.

The dinner

"It smells so good," y/n jumped, seeing all the yummy food placed on the dining table in front of me.

Yoongi chuckled, Jungkook opened a dish and was about to have a taste but was stopped by Jin, "wait for the guest, idiot!" he scolded as both the younger ones pouted.

The doorbell rang as Injae and Jin went to invite Eunwoo in.

"Please smile a little Injae," Yoongi teased, "or else you will scare him away," he added, "I would say the same to you too Yoongi," Jin defended his girlfriend.

"Welcome, Eunwoo-shi," Jin smiled, "you can call me Eunwoo please," he smiled as he entered the lavish mansion, he was from a middle class family, so seeing this definitely astonished him.

The living room itself was half the size of his home.

"The 12 of you live in such a big place!" he exclaimed, "it isn't as big as our homes tho, we have to share a room," Jungkook said to which y/n agreed.

"Don't mind those brats, let's move to the dining area," Yoongi said and led him to the table filled with food.

Everyone took a seat around the table, y/n sat between Eunwoo and Jungkook, while Jimin took a seat in front of her.

"Wow, the food smells great," Eunwoo said, eyeing everything, "please don't get me wrong, you have cooked different varieties of dishes but there is no seafood?" he asked.

"My brother Namjoon doesnt like seafood and y/n is allergic to crab, so we avoid seafood when we eat together," Jin answered, "you are allergic to crabs?" Eunwoo turned to Y/n.

"Yeah, I got it from my mother," she chuckled.

The food was served and everyone started eating.

"Let me pick out the coriander from your plate," Jungkook said and picked out the green leaves from her plate. Jungkook has been doing this since they were 7.

y/n took the tomatoes from Jungkook's plate since he doesn't like them and she likes them.

Eunwoo looked around the table and saw each of them sharing their food with one another, y/n picked the meat balls from her bowl and placed them on Jimin's plate.

"You don't like meat balls?" Eunwoo asked, "Jimin likes them more," she answered and continued eating, "you should try Yoongi oppa's bulgogi, they are amazing," y/n suggested to Eunwoo, Jin expected y/n to serve it to him, but she didn't, so he served it himself to the guest.

Finally the questioning session started, Yoongi didn't ask much but kept observing everything that Eunwoo did and how y/n and Eunwoo behaved.

"But y/n loves to play games, she and Kook would spend the whole night in the game room during weekends," Jungmi said, when Eunwoo told them that he hated to play games.

"You have a room only for games?" he asked, "y/n and Jungkook would always see comfort before budget, so our parents got everything for them," Jisoo said.

"I like to keep things minimal," Eunwoo said. The elders already understood in future this couple would definitely have problems if they ever decide to stay together.


"Even though their relationship gets serious, they won't last long, he isn't someone our y/n would want a future with," Jin said to Yoongi when they both were alone while the others were cleaning the kitchen and the dining table.

"She has someone who is perfect for her right next to her but didn't realise it," Yoongi said, eyeing the said guy.

Jin's eyes followed to where the younger was looking and he turned back to Yoongi, "him?" he asked, "why not?" Yoongi shrugged, "but what if their friendship gets ruined because of this?" Jin questioned.

"Hyung, you feared that your friendship would get ruined if you confess to my sister, but look at you both being happy with each other for almost 5 years now and when we found Jisoo's feeling for Namjoon and asked her about it she said the same as you, but they have been happy with each other for a few months now, and I know even if they don't work out they wouldn't let it ruin their relationship," Yoongi explained, "anyway when are you going to confess to him?" Jin teased, "sometime soon?" Yoongi shrugged, smiling shyly.

2 'him's are mentioned here, any guesses?

Happy reading!💖

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