Chapter 43

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The pencil in my hand broke into 2 because of the pressure I was applying on it.

Jimin was sitting right in front of me with that Minji girl, his arms were around her shoulder as they were giggling silently in the class.

Can't they both just get a room or something? I know I am jealous, but I have no right to be jealous, I was the one who let him go.

I can't just stand watching them. This is the second pencil I broke today. I was showing all my anger on the pencil, who was I angry with? Me? Him? Or that girl? I don't know.

Finally, today's classes ended and I walked out, as fast as I could, but I had to stop when I was being called by the guy who I was trying to avoid as much as I could.

"I am bringing Minji home for dinner today, please let Yoongi hyung know," he said, already?! Bringing her home?!

I took a deep breath before nodding a yes and walked away, not waiting for him to say anything else.

That night

He really is testing my patience, he was being so sweet with her all night, he kept putting food on her plate as if she can't get them herself and he even fed her! Like that was totally unnecessary.

I lost it all when she pecked his cheek at the table, I slammed my chopstick on the table and got up, the chair I was sitting on making a screeching noise.

I excused myself and walked off to my room. I was fuming in anger, I didn't have any more self-control to not slap the shit out of him and also kiss him, so the best option was to leave.

I was walking back and forth in the room, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself. The door opened after a few minutes and Jimin came in, "Minji is feeling cold, can you give a jacket of yours for her?" he asked.

I let out a long breath before marching towards him and slammed the door shut, pinning him to the door. He yelped as his eyes widened, looking at me.

My one hand rested on the door next to his head while my other hand was wrapped around his neck, having him on a chokehold.

"I neither like sharing my clothes nor sharing my man," I gritted out, "You. Are. My. Man," With every word I said, I pushed myself more into him, our noses were touching, "I love you and you belong to me, don't forget it, Park Jimin," I said and pushed him aside, leaving the room.

That was the time I realised that I didn't have the strength to see him with someone else, I am not sure what will happen in the future, but I know the present and I know we both could be together, I didn't want to lose him because of my fears, and that is when I decided that I should give us a chance.

But before talking to him, I had to calm down. I should be in the right state of mind to talk to him and confess my feelings.

Jimin pov

Damn! That was hot.

Now I understand Taehyung. I stood frozen on my spot for a few seconds before I snapped out and she was already gone.

She finally said it! She finally confessed her feelings.

Of course, I am yours and you are mine, y/n.

I was laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying the scene that happened a few minutes ago in my head. She was so hot when she was almost choking me and so close to me.

I heard the door open and close and presence next to my leg, guessing it was y/n, I pulled her leg with mine, making her fall on me as she let out a yelp and fell right on top of me as I wrapped my arm around her waist, but wait- why does her voice sound so... Manly?

I looked down to see my best friend groaning in pain rubbing his leg, I screamed as I pushed him off me and stood up.

"What the fuck are you doing Taehyung?" I yelled at him, "I should be the one asking that, idiot, why did you pull me like I was your girlfriend," he grumbled, standing up from my bed.

"I thought it was y/n, what are you doing in my room?" I asked. "Jungkook wanted to spend some time with her, so I will be here with you tonight," he said.

"Oh..." I nodded slowly.

Taehyung sat on the bed and pulled me, making me sit next to him.

"Now, you tell me what was your plan? What's going on between you and Minji?" he asked.

"Minji and I have a common class and I used to sit next to her whenever y/n would avoid me and sat somewhere else, and that night when you gave me an idea to make her jealous, I called her the next day and asked for her help, she agreed and I told about the fake date during the breakfast, but I didn't expect her to storm out like that. I used it and since she took one of the cars, I tracked and saw where she went and went with Minji to that mall and purposely went in front of her and today in class, I was with Minji and she was damn pissed and then the dinner happened, after sending Minji I came back to the room and purposely asked for a jacket for Minji even though she left and Taehyung..." I looked at my friend, who was looking at me curiously, "that was the best decision of my life," I smiled dreamily, thinking about what happened again.

"Tell me what happened for fucks sake, Jimin," he said, growing impatient. "She pinned me to the door and said that I am her man and she doesn't like sharing what's her and finally she said she loved me and left the room, God! Taehyung, she is so hot when she is being a dom and I almost had a boner, she is so sexy," I said, my eyes closed, as I replayed the scene in my mind for the 100th time.

"Eww, Jimin, stop talking like that, she is my sister," he hit my arm, "BUT SHE CONFESSED!! OH MY GOD!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and threw himself on me, making me fall back on the bed.

The rest of the night went by with Tae telling me about his relationship with Kookie, he told me what happened yesterday morning.

"I never thought he was this serious with me, I was still seeing him as the little Kook who was careless about everything, but he is even thinking about our wedding," he said. He was smiling so widely, I was happy seeing my friend like this.

"I seriously thought Jungkook and Y/n would end up together, they both were inseparable," I laughed, "I know right, but I started feeling a bit jealous when my crush on Kookie developed," he laughed with me.

"They show us that a boy and a girl can stay friends forever."

One of my favourite chapters in this🤭❤️

Happy reading!💖

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