Chapter 22

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Graduation day

"Congratulations guys!" Jin oppa yelled as soon as he saw us in the school grounds.

After him one by one came to wish us 5.

"Finally out of this hell hole huh!" Yoongi oppa came, "enjoy the vacation because after that you are having another hell hole to enter that has assholes as professors, they are such a pain in the ass you know," he said.

Me and Jungkook laughed at him while Joon oppa scowled at him, "ok, so congratulations guys, i am so proud of you all and all the best for the upcoming years," he cut off Yoongi oppa and talked.

They both always argue about the importance of education and it is always so fun to listen to.

"Don't start your debate here, let's go, all are gathered there now,"  Jisoo eonnie came and pulled them two by the ears and took them.

"Did you see how Joon hyung blushed when eonnie came close?" Kook asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Just like how you blush when-" before I could say the name he put his palm over my mouth and didn't let me complete.

He looked around before taking his hands off me, "I regret saying this to you," he grumbled walking ahead.

The names were called and students went to the stage one by one. When each one of our group went up a loud cheer was heard from all our family members.

"I wish i was in the crowd cheering for you guys, you know," Jung appa whispered in my ear while we were taking a photo on stage. I let out a soft laugh at him before leaving the stage.

He was always on the stage since he was the chairman of the school, and never got the chance to sit among the crowd and cheer for us.

"Finally all our kids graduated except the late comers," Jeon eomma said, by late comers we mean Jaein and Areum who were born last into our family.

"We are legally allowed to drink now right?" I asked, looking around the table.

We were in our usual restaurant in a private room, there were a total of 24 of us sitting around the big table.

This was a dinner to celebrate the graduation.

All heads were turned to me now, "as long as you don't get laid by a stranger after getting drunk you can," Yoongi oppa said, Jin oppa and Min eomma choked on their food.

Kim eomma who was sitting next to him smacked him on the head, "is this how you talk to a little girl?" she scolded.

"Don't go to a club it's not safe, but you can have a party with drinks at the mansion you guys are staying at, and it's also your anniversary tomorrow isnt it," Jung appa proposed.

Jungkook and I nodded our heads eagerly, "it's on me and I hope the elders take care of these 5, it's their first time," he added.

"Oh only 3, Jimin and Tae oppa have already drunk and Jimin even said he is very good with his alcohol capacity." I shrugged, and continued eating.

"You both what?!" Park appa asked with wide eyes, and I realised what I just said, "opps," I sheepishly smiled as oppa and Jimin were giving me death glares.


The first thing I did today after getting up was going to meet my parents. I wanted to be alone with them for sometime and came here.

"I graduated yesterday appa and eomma, aren't you both proud of me? That too I graduated as one of the students with top marks!"

"Today is our 8th year friendship anniversary, remember in 2013 how we went on that trip for Park eomma?"

We were all at the age of 12 to 10, Jiwoo was Jimin's little sister who was 7 years old, she was kidnapped by one of our enemies and she was r*ped 6 times before she was k*lled, we were all devastated hearing this and Park eomma was falling into depression, so in the summer vacation of 2013 we went to a private island bought by our fathers and spent a whole month there.

Jaein and Areum weren't born then, it was only the 12 of us. Even though we have been together since we were born, we realised how much we mean to each other at the vacation and named our group 2013. That was the time I told Park eomma to consider me as her daughter when she was crying.

I spent time with my parents till noon and left home.

"I was about to come since you were taking so long," Jimin said as soon as I got it, "I took 2 guards with me, relax," I chuckled.

"We are leaving for the mansion in 2 hours, have lunch and get ready," he said.

It was my first time going to the mansion, I have always wanted to go there but never had a chance to.

While we were about to leave, Park appa called me, "yes, appa?" I asked, "Since you are 18 now, I will be needing your sign from now on in most of the papers to carry on with the business," he said and gave me a few files and a pen.

"Ok, I will sign them," I said and was about to sign the first page when he stopped me, "read before you sign, y/n" he said.

"I trust you appa," I said, "y/n, even if it's Lee appa asking you to sign a few papers, you should read before signing them," Jimin said and sat next to me.

I sighed as I started reading each paper before signing them, "these are contract papers, you asked our lawyer if there are any loopholes here?" I asked.

"Just got it done, it's safe to go, and during this vacation you both are to attend meetings with me and start learning, you both have already learned the basics so it's time to jump into the real business," he said to which me and Jimin nodded.

Things about to happen from now on. 👀

Happy reading! 💖

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