Bonus 1

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Y/n pov

Today marks 6 months since we started dating, 6 months with this little mochi and I am the happiest with him.

Appa would have been so happy to know that I am dating a guy whom he trusted, he always used to joke how good it would be if I end up with one of his friends' kids.

"Happy 6 months baby," I wished the guy who was slowly waking up next to me. He was sleeping shirtless giving a full view of all the love bites I gave him last night.

He sleepily smiled, rubbing his eyes and pulled me closer. "Happy 6 months," he whispered, placing a kiss on my neck and nuzzling into it.

"We should get up and get ready, we don't wanna be late to their wedding, do we?" I asked, stroking his hair softly.

"If you want me to get up, then you should stop doing this," he mumbled, making me smile.

My relationship with him was going good, we did have our fair share of fights, or maybe a little too much than normal, but all of them were childish bickering and just once we had a serious fight which we sorted out like adults.

"Didn't hyung get another date to fix for his wedding? Why our 6th month anniversary," he whined, '' I wanna spend the whole day with you," he said, and I knew he was pouting. I laughed softly, playing with his hair.

"Love birds! Get up! We should start getting ready," Jisoo eonni got into the room after knocking.

"Y/n, we should all leave to the parlour, come fast," she said, pulling me up from the bed and from my boyfriend, who started whining, he becomes so clingy when he is sleepy.

I pecked him on his lips before I was dragged out by my sister.

Injae eonni was excited yet nervous for her big day, I didn't see Jin oppa yet as we girls left early saying that we needed more time to get ready.

Only our 5 families were present for the wedding as we wanted it to be very private.

Min appa started crying seeing his daughter in the wedding dress, seeing that made me wonder what appa would do if I were to get married, but I would never get to know that.

Min eomma saw my face falling and asked what was wrong, "would appa cry if I were also to get married like this," I asked her, "he would have cried a river, he was crying when you got your first period saying that his daughter is a big girl now and isn't small any more," Min appa laughed through his tears.

During the whole wedding, I saw how Min eomma and appa were taking care of their daughter. This would never happen to me and that hurt me a lot. I wanted to enjoy this day to the fullest but these thoughts didn't let me.

"Where is my girl lost at?" I heard a voice next to me, making me flinch and snap out of my thoughts. Jimin was next to me, with a small smile on his face but I could see the concern in his eyes.

"Just... About eomma and appa, they won't be with me when something like this happens to me," I said, as I saw how eonni was fed her lunch by Min appa.

"But they will always be up there, happy about how successful their daughter is and you have 5 other appa and eomma baby," he pecked my cheek making me look at him.

"And you know the best and worst part? My parents care about you more than their own son, me! Do you know how serious that is?" he scoffed, I giggled.

"I know I can never replace your parents, but I will try my best to never let you feel the empty space left by them," he said, holding my hands in his, looking into my eyes, the love I could see in his eyes made me overwhelmed, what did I ever do to deserve him?

"I love you, Jimin," I said, smiling, "I love you too, Jagi," he said, placing a peck on my forehead.

Everyone was having lunch after the wedding was over. I leaned against his shoulder and looked at my family in front of me, everyone was happy, making a smile light upon my face.

"You had your lunch?" I asked, "not without my girlfriend," he grinned, I chuckled before saying, "then let's go have our lunch," I smiled, linking my arms with mine and dragging him towards the buffet.

"You know it's going to be us in a few years," he whispered in my ear, I took a moment to realise what he was saying and when I finally did, heat rose up to my cheeks, "I could definitely see us there," I mumbled.

"You look beautiful in the dress baby," he complimented me, "I know right! I feel like a girl wearing this dress," I said, he choked on his food as I panicked and gave him water to drink, patting his back.

"Oh god! What am I gonna do with a girlfriend like this," he sighed, I glared at him and when he looked at me, he sighed, "what? You are a girl, and you are saying you feel like a girl wearing this, then do you feel like a boy the rest of the time?" he asked.

"No, Jimin, you know feeling girly, I feel like that," I tried to explain, "I will never understand you and your weird thoughts," he let out a breath, shaking his head.

After a small evening party, the couples were sent to their 2 weeks honeymoon.

We reached home and even though me and Jimin were tired, we wanted to spend our time together on this day.

We didn't want to go out, we wanted to spend it here in this room since this is where it all started. Jimin did the bed while I was changing and when I came out, he went into the bathroom to freshen up while I went to get our snacks.

After getting everything done, we both snuggled up next to each other in the cosy bed, this was heaven, being in his arms hearing his calm heartbeat and his light touch on my skin.

We both were in comfortable silence when he broke it, asking, "when do you wanna get married, y/n?" I thought for a moment, marriage was a big commitment but I was willing to tie the knot with him even today, but before getting married I want to focus on my career.

" I have to take over the business, I have to get the hang of it and run it smoothly, after that I wanna get married," I said, drawing patterns on his chest, while he was playing with my hair.

"Why?" I asked, "so that I could propose," he grinned, I chuckled, "but I want the world to know when we tie the knot so that everyone knows that you belong to me, so the wedding should be a big one," I said.

"But you are already mine and I am yours," he giggled.

I am having a Viva tmr and I am not even prepared for it, I am becoming so lazy these days😂🤦🏻‍♀️

Happy reading!💖

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