Chapter 4

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Y/n pov

I heard appa calling for me sweetly, asking for me to wake up.

"Five more minutes appa, please," I mumbled and turned to the other side.

"You are already late for school, baby," he said. He comes to my room every morning and wakes me up.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes, "good moning, appa," I wished while yawning.

"Good morning dear, go take a shower and come, I have made your favourite breakfast," he pecked my forehead, as I happily nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

The easiest way to bribe me is food.

After doing my morning routine, I got dressed in my school uniform, it was a black skirt, white shirt and black blazer, with a red tie which I rarely wear.

I got down to the kitchen to be greeted by the fresh aroma of the food.

"The smell itself is so delicious, appa," I said, as I took a seat on the dining table next to appa.

After having breakfast, appa went back to his room as I went back to mine to grab my bag and stuffed my tie into my bag.

I don't know how to knot the tie, so usually my dad or one of my friends would tie it for me.

"Y/n!" My dad called me, he was sitting on the couch with his secretary next to him.

"Good morning uncle!" I greeted him, "good morning y/n," he greeted me back with a worried smile.

I shrugged it off thinking it's something work-related.

"Here," my dad handed me a leather box, which I am sure has jewellery in it.

"What is it, appa?" I asked, "your birthday present," he smiled.

"But we still have 2 more months though," I said.

"I went out yesterday and I liked it, so I bought it," he shrugged.

I nodded and opened the box to see a thin golden chain with a pendant, it was so beautiful.

"It's so beautiful appa, thank you so much," I hugged him and pecked his cheeks

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"It's so beautiful appa, thank you so much," I hugged him and pecked his cheeks.

"Glad that you loved it," he pecked my forehead.

"Appa, are you okay? You look a little pale," I asked, noticing his face.

"I am perfectly fine dear, don't worry, hmm?" He gave me an assuring smile, as I smiled back.

I heard the honk of the car, "seems like they are here to pick me up, bye appa," I waved at him and left after picking up my bag.

"Why do you always have to be so late?" Jimin grunted, "why do you always have to say something?" I grunted back.

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