Chapter 1: The Off-Weekend Trip

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Summer 2015

Bubba Wallace and Ryan Blaney walk through the pits at Hickory Motor Speedway, glancing around the pits. It was the off-weekend.

They should be doing something away from the race track. Actually, they never seemed to come to a track on their off-weekends as they weren't like Kyle Larson or Alex Bowman, always needing a racecar. They usually went away, enjoyed some nice weather, a beach.

However, Chase Elliott had dragged them out to join them at the CARS tour event that he was set to run. Now they were in the pits surrounded by late models that were driven by some people that they recognized.

"Why am I at a race track on an off-weekend?" Bubba questions as they finally reach where Chase's late model was parked.

"I was just about to ask that question," Ryan adds as Chase looks over at the pair of them.

"Sarina is here," Chase comments as Bubba looks on confused.

"Sarina?" He questions as Ryan smiles. He then wraps an arm around Darrell with a grin.

"That's the girl that he has a crush on," Ryan states as Bubba's jaw drops.

"Seriously?" Chase shakes his head yes. "Why didn't you tell me the name? I've heard of her and watched that girl drive. She's one helluva racecar driver. I could see her making it up to the Cup Series with the talent that she has. She just needs some more funding."

"Anyways, Chase likes her as they've crossed paths a couple of times and had some great conversations," Ryan starts. "He likes her style on track, he likes her personality off track and even admitted that she's very pretty."

"She's damn hot!" Bubba exclaims as he glances around the stalls.

"So that's why you wanted to go racing on a off-weekend? So you could race against the girl that you have a crush on?" Chase rolls his eyes as he leans against the car.

"That's just a perk of being here," Chase comments. "I had this race marked on my schedule for awhile as you both know that I can't spend a weekend out of the racecar. Besides, the late model is a great stress relief. Then when I heard that she was running the rac-"

"It caused your heart to skip a beat?" Ryan questions and Chase shakes his head no.

"I figured that I'd bring you both along so you could see her." Bubba then focuses his eyes back on Chase as he gave up on his search for her. If they were there to see her, why wasn't she already in their easy view shot?

"No no, you brought us for back-up because you're too afraid to talk to her," Bubba states as Chase lets out a sigh.

"I've talked to her before, Bubba," he replies as Bubba grins.

"Fine. You're too afraid to tell her that you have a crush on her and wanted your buddies here for back-up." Chase lets out a sigh as he looks away from the pair. "I knew it. Chase is painfully shy and can't admit his feelings..."

"Well standing here is not going to get us anywhere," Ryan starts as he glances around the pits. "Where is she?"

"Third stall down on the left," Chase states as he goes to find Ricky Turner to discuss set-up for the upcoming practice.

"He knows where she's parked...."

"He's got it bad," Bubba comments as he tugs on Ryan's arm. "I got an idea." Bubba then leads Ryan to the hauler before climbing the steps to stand on top. Ryan can only smile as they reach the top and glance around.

"I take it you've spied on girls before based on your knowledge?" Bubba grins.

"That is for you to only know, and that used to happen. It's a good perch to scout from, though, as nobody knows that you're looking." Ryan shakes his head in agreement as he stares down at the stalls, looking for a female dressed in a firesuit.

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