Chapter 25: The Visit

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March 2017

Sarina couldn't believe that she was standing where she was right now. She couldn't believe between her own emotions and her brother's vote of confidence she was standing in Georgia.

Was she doing the right thing, or was this too soon? Letting out a sigh, she took the familiar drive she had done a couple previous times.

She was going to originally fly to North Carolina, but seeing Chase's twitter, she knew he was home in Georgia with the race in Atlanta this weekend. It was why she made a quick call to Ricky to get Bill's number, followed by a phone call to Bill.

She explained she wanted to talk to Chase and make it a surprise, hoping the father would hand over details. Thankfully, he was on their side and proudly gave her all she needed to know.

Pulling into the driveway, turning the ignition off, glancing out the house, she knew there was no turning back. She then got out of the car, throwing her keys in her pocket before walking up to the door. Taking one final deep breath, she knocks on the door.

"Hello Sarina," she hears after Bill opens the door. She could only smile back in return.

"Hello Bill," she replies. "I just want to say thank you for telling me the details. I wanted to surprise him as I heard from a certain crew member that it's hit him harder than he's told me." Bill lets out a sigh, knowing that was an understatement probably for how well he knew his son. He also was curious as to who called and why, wanting to smack them while hugging them at the same time.

"Listen, it's been on his mind and he's been upset about it. We've talked a couple times, and I've noticed it's one of the harder things in his life. While I may not agree with everything that happened, I'm willing to give you a chance because I know you do care about him, and perhaps you guys can make it work." Sarina didn't know what to say in return. How was she supposed to apologize for everything? Frankly, the same question surrounded her mind when she thought about Chase.

"I totally understand, and for what it's worth, I am sorry for what happened. I know that I handled everything totally wrong." Bill didn't know what to say in return, as how was he supposed to react? There was still a mix of acceptance and anger happening.

"He just got done an interview while relaxing out back so why don't you head out there and surprise him?" Sarina shakes her head yes as she makes her way into the house, letting Bill lead the way.

As the pair walk through the house, Cindy gives them a funny glance of curiosity, with Bill giving a glance in return as if to say he'd explain later. Once she could see out to the back porch and see him on the swing, Bill stopped and let her go the rest of her way herself, knowing the pair needed alone time.

Sarina takes another deep breath, sliding the glass door open, before slowly sliding it shut. She noticed that Chase didn't even look up from his phone, probably thinking it was one of his parents. Taking another deep breath, hoping it'd clam her nerves some, she continues walking forward, slowly sitting down beside him, which catches his attention as he looks over at her surprised.

"Am I seeing things, or is that really you?" He questions as she lets out a small laugh. That certainly wasn't the first set of words she was expecting.

"It's really me," she answers with a smile. "Surprise!" A smile immediately formed on Chase's face as he wanted to reach out and hug her, though felt himself holding back with everything that happened. Could he truly trust her? Was this really a good idea?

"It's great to see you and everything, but really? You're here? How did you know? And why?" Sarina couldn't blame him for the questions, only hoping there were good intentions behind them.

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