Chapter 12: Christmas in Georgia

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December 24, 2015 – Dawsonville, Georgia

"You do realize that you didn't need to give me the perfect flight usher in to Georgia, right?" Sarina questions as they pull up to the house.

Chase chuckles, knowing that he may have gone overboard – but he wanted to make things perfect. He had been spending the past couple of days in Georgia and with Sarina coming in on Christmas Eve, he spared nothing on her arrival. He personally flew out to North Carolina to pick her up, followed by flying to Georgia and driving up to his parent's house.

"Well I called Santa and asked if he could pick you up on the way, but he said that the sleigh was full with toys for all the good little boys and girls," Chase informs her as he pulls up behind his mom's car in the driveway. He then shuts the truck off before glancing over at Sarina. "The next best thing was settling for picking you up myself."

"Well as I said, I appreciate it so thank you," she replies before getting out of the truck. They then walk towards the house together, holding hands, as Sarina finds herself locked in her thoughts. She had been trying to avoid them since accepting Chase's offer a couple days prior. Why was she nervous? Why couldn't she shake this fear? Everything had gone fine anytime they crossed paths at the track, so why would this be any different? "I just hope that your parents like me."

"Mom offered her reaction that day at the track and didn't seem to have a problem. My dad was very accepting of you driving for the team, and even had no issues following the Snowball Derby DQ despite those worries." Chase then stops and grabs her hand, causing her to face him and look directly into his eyes. He was going to do whatever it took to ensure this didn't blow up all together. "You have nothing to worry about so wipe those worries away and enjoy this time together." He then leans in and kisses her lips as she gives him a quick smile, though the worry still remained under the surface.

"I hope you're right, Chase. It's just this is different. We're actually coming out as a coup-"

"It'll be fine. Come on." He then leads her up the steps to the front door, opening and entering the house. There was no sense knocking as his parents were expecting him, with him being there before flying out to pick her up.

He helps her slip off her jacket as she slips her shoes off, before they head into the main living room. Their appearance in the room immediately catches the attention of the pair of parents on the couch, as they look back to see Sarina standing there. Chase had said that he was going to pick up a friend and bringing her for Christmas, but were given no other details as to what their son had in mind.

"Sarina, what a surprise!" Bill immediately comments first as he looks at the girl, before glancing at Chase with a glance of surprise. He had accepted the offer solely based on the girl's credentials. He had no idea that the pair was actually as close as they seemed to be. He wondered whether that complicated things, or he was overanalyzing things. He also remembered the conversation they had, and tried to use that their assurance.

"It's nice to see you too, Bill," Sarina simply comments with a smile as she shakes his hand. It felt weird to almost not to go in for a hug being that this was her boyfriend's parents. It almost felt too formal, like a business transaction, in utilizing just the handshake. She then gives Chase a nervous glance, not feeling totally confident in Bill's reaction as they sit down on the couch together.

"Chase mentioned that he was picking up a girl to bring home for Christmas. I never expected it to you, though." Sarina takes a nervous deep breath, wanting to run away and hide in that moment. Each reaction that she received was making her regret accepting this. What was she thinking in doing this? What was she thinking in accepting the offer to drive for Chase on top of that?

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