Chapter 68: Return to Normalcy.....

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Friday, September 1 – Darlington Raceway

"He's here!" Chad Avrit announces proudly as Chase walks through the back door of the trailer. It surprised Chase, considering they usually never announced his arrival in this sort of fashion. "Boy gets home Tuesday and doesn't come see his boys till race weekend..."

"I've been busy – sorry," Chase immediately apologizes as he gives each crew member a quick hug. He actually did feel bad, as he had missed them through his time away. They were some of his closest friends after all.

"Look at the tan!" Jared Erspamer comments, noticing how Chase's skin was visibly a couple shades darker than before he left. "You could seriously hide in plain sight...."

"No no – look at the hair!" Eddie adds before giving it a quick flick. Chase knocks his hands away with a sigh. One of the many reasons he couldn't wait to cut it that week. "I'm surprised your parents haven't said anything..."

"Dude – he's over the age of 18. He's allowed to make his own decisions now." Eddie rolls his eyes, obviously knowing that. He had been working with Chase for a couple of years now. However, he also knew the influence that Bill and Cindy had on him, and admired it in seeing the relationship they had together.

"I know, but he also takes his parent's opinion into consideration, and they haven't actually said much." Chase smiles, as he pulls up a photo on his phone. There was one certain big reason why, among other topics as his mom admired his look at one point through the growth period.

"That's because Dad had the same hair at one point so he can't do much," Chase comments. "And they both know the reason for doing it."

"Those photos are going to turn out amazing!" Alan lets out, having heard the means behind Chase's plan. He had seen the original photo, and looking at what he saw before him, the finished product this weekend would be right along those lines. "Glad to see you're doing well. I was a little worried you'd get lost in Amsterdam."

"Surprisingly, we never did...." Alan looks on shocked, as he had heard about some of their plans and figured that'd lead to that happening immediately having seen this boy intoxicated before.

"Did you get drunk by chance?" Jared wonders as Chase glances over his way. Was that even something that was required to be asked right now? "Well, if you didn't get drunk, you can't get lost – but being in Amsterdam, you better have drank." Chase laughs as clearly the crew member followed the Ryan Blaney philosophy.

"Trust me, I had my fair share of drinks but never went over-board," Chase comments before stealing a snack out of the drawer. Certain things never changed, and he was glad for that as snacks could never be complained about. "Now, we have a job to do...."

Alan clears his throat, flipping open the notebook. He figured they could go over vacation notes at another time.


Chase leans back against the counter in the hauler, smiling as he heard her voice over the phone. They'd only been away from each other since she left in the wee morning hours, but he was already missing her. Perhaps that's because they'd been spoiled lately with schedules aligning and an amazing vacation.

"So what are you doing?" He wonders as she kicks her feet out on the mountain. This was certainly an experience being in a whole other country with her own space to do something, this time away from the man that completed her. Race track conversations together were always great, but being apart right now felt a little wird in doing it.

"Watching the Pinty's Series go around the track," she answers. "I'm trying to see if I can pick up some more about the lines and such by watching them." Chase knew that process, having done it himself. It was actually one of the processes he had repeated through his racing career to date as it was a simple way to learn.

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