Chapter 36: Sonoma

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Saturday, June 24 2017

Sarina walks into the garage area, adjusting her lanyard as she lets out a yawn. With no sleep through the previous night, needless to say she was ready for a long nap somewhere.

After a busy day at the track yesterday, she flew home to North Carolina with the team. Right upon landing, she walked into the house and switched out her firesuit and a couple other items for some jeans and t-shirts, re-zipping the bag. She let herself grab a quick shower – she was sweaty and sticky and hated it – before heading out to meet up with Amy.

The girls then boarded the plane, making the flight out to California for Saturday morning. She thought of sleeping on the flight, but that didn't happen as her fear of planes caused her to keep watch thorough the entire experience.

The pair landed in California, adjusting the three hour time difference, with plans set in motion. Amy invited Sarina to join her and some other ladies on a wine tasting tour, but she proudly declined. For her, she'd rather spend a day at the track than sitting around drinking fancy wine.

Now armed with a Mountain Dew Kickstart (perks of boyfriend sponsored by them), she had made her way to the track and was set to find the person of the hour.

She walked into the garage area, smiling as she noticed a familiar No. 21 Ford. Setting a smile on her face, she walks over, wrapping her arms around the driver by the back of the car.

"Hey Ryan," she says with a smile as he jumps out of his skin, spinning around to face her.

"Hey!" He lets out as he glances around the garage. "Do you realize what Chase would say if he saw us together like that?" She shrugs her shoulders with a smile.

"Oh Blaney, oh Blaney, I guess Chase didn't fill you in the details for tonight, now did he? We're going to have our own little lifesaver battle. Hope you're up for it, Jedi." His jaw drops in shock as he takes another glance around, hoping nobody was hearing. Was this conversation really happening? "What's wrong? Scared someone will hear of your dirty plans for tonight?"

"Are you sure that you're the same girl that I met that day at Hickory? Wait – are you the same girl that I saw just a couple weeks ago? Are you sure you're not some twin or something? And what have you done to Chase? I mean, this is....No, that can't be happening." She laughs as she notices the look on his face. It was way easier than she expected.

"Ah boy, this is going to be a fun weekend. I can't believe you actually fell for it. Nice seeing you, and good luck." She then puts her sunglasses back on and walks away as he stands there, shaking his head in total shock, before walking back to his team.

She continues making her way down the stretch of garages, destination already in sight as she couldn't wait to see her actual man of the hour. If there was anybody that keep her awake it was him.

"Sarina!" She hears and stops in her tracks, rolling her eyes immediately as she spins around. She wanted to avoid him, but it would rude to ignore the boss.

"Hey Kyle," she says in the politest way that she could muster.

"I'm surprised that you're here – well, sort of. I mean, I get wanting to be with Chase, but really after last night?" She shakes her head yes, wishing she could just get the conversation over with. Maybe she should not have spent that little bit of time with Ryan to create this opportunity.

"We have to take advantage of what time we can get together with our schedule, right?" Kyle couldn't argue that, knowing the demands of schedules from experience.

"I just wanted to say great job last night. You handled yourself very well, and took what the truck was willing to give you. I was impressed by what I saw. We'll talk on Tuesday about restarts so you'll be better for Kentucky, okay?" She shakes her head yes, knowing she was probably going to get enough advice from Chase already. However, it didn't hurt to also listen to the restart master. There was a reason why everybody kept their eyes on Kyle each weekend.

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