Chapter 27: California

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March 2017

Sarina sat in the familiar spot that she had grown used to at the hospital. At least they had traded out the first chair she had been sitting in with one that had more padding, which was a little easier on her butt.

For most of the days, she sat there and either conversed with her brother, focused on something on her laptop or watched the TV before them. There was twice a day where the therapist would come by getting her brother up and out of the bed, in which she'd join in through the activities that they were going through – slow walking, other movement and cognitive behaviors.

She'd take at least two breaks through the day, both at meal times to go get herself something to beat. The lunch break was always the longest as she knew he was fine with having other therapy being done during that time. The supper one, though, was quick as she still didn't feel comfortable in leaving him alone or wondering where she treaded off too.

Each day after spending the hours from 9 in the morning to 9 at night at the hospital, she'd return to the apartment that she had chosen to rent temporarily, more often than not doing a couple quick things there before crashing for the night.

It was simply her schedule for Monday to Thursday. The weekends, that was a different story, whether traveling with Chase or racing herself.

"So, I don't have to travel far this weekend," she sparked up some conversation at one point on Thursday. "Chase is racing in California this weekend."

"He close?" Chris asks as Sarina thinks it over, remembering how she had looked over the coordinates.

"The track is two and a half hours from here. So basically, I'll head out there in the morning from my apartment, spend the day with him there, and then come by and see you at night. How's that?" The question got a smile in response from Chris. Sarina knew as much as her brother wanted her to go forth with his own life, and assured her about others being there, he did miss her. After all, she had been the only one of everybody he knew to truly be there for him for his entire life.

"Chase come by?" The question then caused Sarina to freeze as she hadn't expected Chris to ask about the possibility of seeing Chase. She knew her and Chase touched upon that briefly in their text messages, but didn't see it was this big of a question. "I say sorry."

"I don't know if Chase can come by or not, Chris. I know he has some things that he's doing today sponsor-wise, and other responsibilities for the weekend. I never thought to ask him this past weekend." She then saw a glimmer of hope form on her brother, and she knew what was coming before he said it.

"Can you?" Sarina then lets out a sigh, not sure if she wanted to go forth with that. She knew that Chase had told her that he was ready to let things go, but wondered if the same would hold true once they crossed paths. What if it was a different case?

"Didn't the doctor mention something about him needing to get some time out?" Her cousin Bethany starts. "I know Chase may be busy, but what about Chris coming to the track one day this weekend – maybe even race day." Sarina felt her everything inside of her turn upside down in the suggestion. There was no way to get out of this mess easily.

"Getting credentials last minute would be difficult, and I'd have to ask Chase about approving those," she explains, hoping the explanation held off the pair before her. She wasn't sure if everybody was ready for that, yet.

"And you're worried about that?" Sarina then lets out a sigh, glancing between her brother and her cousin. Why did her cousin have to make things difficult some times? It was obvious there was tension, so why push the issue so soon?

"Well, tumor or not, it was Chris that caused what happened, right?" She then sees a disappointed look form on Chris' face as the mirror mention. "But listen, he knows that you didn't mean it. He told me that. Remember I told you what he said, right? I told you that he was ready to move forward, right?" The smile returns back to Chris' face as he shakes his head yes. "It's just I don't know if he's ready to cross paths with Chris and everything for the first time since everything that happened, yet. Perhaps he'd want to do it away from the track, or something. I haven't talked about that, yet."

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