Chapter 64: "Today is for you...."

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Wednesday, August 23

The boys focus on getting ready, both laughing at one point in trying to get their hair to co-operate. They could only wonder how girls seemed to easily handle this with ease every single day.

"Wait until after Darlington...." Chase muses, catching Ryan's attention. That could only mean one thing, and he wasn't that much of a fan. It was nice having company in the long hair club.

"You're cutting it?" He asks in disbelief as Chase looks over, nodding his head. Wasn't it obvious? It was clear that he wasn't having the best of fun trying to keep it neat and tidy. "Ugh!"

"Does my hair really break your heart that much?" Ryan nods his head. That should be obvious given the continued compliments offered.

"It's a style statement, man. I thought we'd be comparing lengths by season's end." Chase laughs, shaking his head. He then takes one more glance, another debate in his mind, though knew his mind was made up.

"I don't mind it – but I'd prefer to be shorter. It's just easier and not as sweaty. I've dealt with this since Daytona. I'm due for a change." Ryan sighs as he double checks his hair is in place. He should have expected this coming, though.

"Well if you're asking me, I'm sticking with it no matter what. I love it." Chase glances over, a smile forming as he watched the finalized appearance Ryan had settled on for the day. It actually suited him better than Chase it seemed.

"It looks good on you, actually..."Chase glances at the map, before looking back over at Ryan. "Are you sure you're okay with the plan today?" Ryan nods his head.

"I think it's incredibly sweet you want to give her a couple things to do while here that fit her, and she'd enjoy. I mean, she did put up with us Monday..." Chase smiles, remembering that night. Those were certainly going to be some of the best memories from the trip, ranging from the array of beverages to the stories, to the fun times on the dance floor. It was the exact reason why they were doing this.

"Dude, she didn't just 'put up with it.' I can guarantee that she had fun." Ryan glances back, smiling himself. He could tell that based on her reaction, knowing the dancing caught Sarina off-guard initially but she was fully embracing it by the end.

"I bet she's going to ask you to dance again. You may need to do Dancing with the Stars to learn some moves." Chase shakes his head. There was no way he would be doing anything of that nature. The liquid courage wouldn't be enough, and he didn't believe the continued compliments offered even then.

"I'm not up for public humiliation, thank you very much. You, on the other hand, that sounds like it'd work..." Ryan looks back, surprised. If any of them were settling in perfectly on that dance floor on Monday, it was certainly not Ryan.

"I'd disagree with that statement fully." Chase crosses his arms. He was ready for this debate, already having his multitude of reasons lined up.

"Why don't we go ask the waiter about what she thought of your dancing?" Ryan rolls his eyes, but knew there were probably plenty more of those similar jokes coming.


"So what is today's plan?" Sarina asks as the boys glance towards each other with grins. They couldn't wait to reveal, knowing her reaction should be great.

"It's a surprise," Chase answers as she raises her eyesbrows. The whole trip thus far had been a surprise as she had no idea what the boys had planned before joining them. Why was today being put to a new level?

"Oh boy...." She then gets on her bike. "Am I going to be thrilled by this surprise?" Ryan nods his head. He remembered when Chase told him about the plans, and why they'd fit right into her wheelhouse.

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