Chapter 5: Michigan

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Summer of 2015

Sarina puts the lanyard around her neck and walks through the garage area with a smile on her face. She couldn't help but smile as she watched the crew members work on the cars, and swell up inside as various engines fired. This was the dream spot for any racecar driver. Now if only she was behind the wheel of a racecar like Chase.

Making her way through the garage, she looks at each of the stalls. She hadn't given Chase any warning that she was there yet, having arrived earlier that Saturday morning. She picked up her lanyard where he had told her it'd be waiting, and made her way without a word. She figured that it'd be better to surprise him. She just needed to find where the No. 9 NAPA team was.

Continuing to read the labels on the stalls, she smiled when she saw the signature No. 9, immediately making her way over. She knew that the team was getting set for qualifying in a short bit, so she hoped that meant that he'd be around, hanging out and waiting.

"Sarina Ott?" She hears her name called and glances over at the source, smiling. She then walks over and gives Seth Kooiker a hug. Sure, Seth was now the engineer assistant for the No. 9 team, but they had met originally at Hickory one night as Seth worked with one of the young late model drivers there before JR Motorsports hired him.

"It's nice to see you, Seth," she comments as she glances over his outfit. "You look pretty good all dolled up in the classic blue and yellow." He then smiles as he notices her lanyard.

"You're a guest of the team this weekend?" She then shakes her head yes, debating how to tell Seth the details. She didn't want to start any rumors, as that'd be worst case scenario for many reasons.

"Chase invited me out for the weekend. We got talking at the track and he thought it'd be fun to have me come out here for a race and hang out." Seth could only smile at her reasoning. He knew that a bunch of the late model drivers were close and liked hanging out. It didn't surprise him that Chase invited her out as he had done that before with others.

"Well, if you're looking for our superstar, he will be out on pit road in five minutes," a new voice chimes in, having overheard the conversation. She then glances back, recognizing Ernie immediately as he had spent some time at Hickory, too. "You can head out there and surprise him, if you want. I could also introduce you to the rest of the team while you wait – unless Seth wants the honors."

"That's probably a good idea as you probably want to make sure things are in order for qualifying," Seth accepts. He then takes her by the hand and leads her around their stall, introducing her to each of the crew members. They each shook her hand as some recognized her, while others already predicted that she and Chase were probably going out. She just laughed off their thoughts, assuring them that wasn't the case. It didn't help in the convincing process, though. "So, he invited you out here – but you're not going out?" She shakes her head no.

"We're just friends – nothing else, nothing more," she replies as they head out to pit road together. She debated telling Seth more of the details, but figured that'd be a little too much as she didn't need him bugging her about things. The less people knew, the less questions they could ask and she wasn't about to tackle any right now.

"I believe you, alright? Besides, Chase has done the inviting tactic before for other short track buddies." Sarina had to chuckle to herself, knowing for sure this weekends' inviting tactic was different. "I see him." She then immediately lets her eyes turn his way and smiles as she watches him interact with a couple other drivers. He was certainly a cutie.

"I don't want to interru-"

"Just go!" Seth then gives her a small shove, pushing her towards the general direction that he was in. She then takes a deep breath and walks over, placing her hands over his eyes.

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