Chapter 49: The E-Mail

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Friday, July 21 – Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Sarina walks through the motorcoach lot, smiling as she glances back at Marcus as they reach their direction.

"Thank you once again, Marcus," she thanks the crew chief as he gives her a hug. "From being there today, to the support on the way home, and leading me out here. I appreciate it." He simply nods his head.

"You're welcome," he assures her. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call." She nods her head back in response as she looks at her phone once again.

On the flight home, she heard the alert go off, catching her attention. She was used to fans sending e-mails, and casually usually looked through them. With some time to kill, she figured she'd glance through the latest batch. It was then she came across one in particular, causing her to freeze upon opening.

I thought I'd be nice enough to pass this along to you. This girl was in Chase's hotel room in Vegas. I'm a fan, and I care, and I don't want to see you get played.

She remembered the rage, anger and heartbreak that immediately hit her upon looking at the photo of this blond chick sitting in the bed, surrounded by stuff that she knew was his. She had trusted him more than anything – but yet, like everybody else in her life, here he had gone and turned his back on her with this girl.

She had shown the photo to Marcus immediately upon receiving, who was in total disbelief.

"That's nothing like Chase, though," she remembered him saying, and had let the thought run through her mind a couple times. But then she remembered – those who seem the best on the outside are typically the ones with the deepest closets.

Upon landing in Indianapolis, she didn't want to see his face so she called Kyle immediately, asking if she could check in there with them. They immediately accepted – after a couple of questions, of course. By the end of the phone call, she could feel the anger from Kyle in learning the details.

Knocking on the door, she casually glances at her feet as she waits for it to be opened. She hoped she knocked loud enough they heard her, but not too loud that she woke up Brexton.

She immediately glances up as she hears the door open, set to head inside. However, she freezes when she sees Christopher Bell standing there before her. She was even more perplexed when he came forward, closing the door behind him.

"There's not enough room for you in there with them so Kyle called me afterwards and briefly explained things," Christopher comments as Sarina rolls her eyes. considering their history, he was next in line of people she didn't want to see about the whole ordeal. Why was she being dealt the shitty luck here?

"Of course you'd be the one he'd call," she says as he glances at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She crosses her arms as she looks around.

"You were the one that rode my ass for months about being cautious about this whole deal. You were the one that warned me about getting with me and making sure that everything was for the right reasons. You were the one that kept asking me if we could truly overcome what happened and trust each other. You challenged every bit of the relatio-"

"And now I'm ready to put you two back together." Her jaw drops in surprise. Was he being serious right now? She thought he'd be the first one to jump on the bus and kick his ass alongside her.

"You can't be serious, Bell?!?" Christopher nods his head. "Kyle did tell you everything that happened, right?" Christopher nods his head again. "But yet, you think we should just go forward as the perfect couple when he chea-"

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