Chapter 63: Goose Island

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The waiter comes over right away, as Ryan glances through the list.

"This sounds good – Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, please," Ryan requests as the waiter nods her head as she walks away. The glances he was receiving in return said enough as they analyzed the flavor in question.

"Who would name a beer 'Goose Island?'" Sarina wonders as Chase shrugs his shoulders. Was there a necessary a name?

"Maybe the creator was drunk from drinking his own stuff," Ryan offers as he sits back. "I mean, the name is the worst possible thing I could probably call a beer. Heck, half of these names here make no sense. But, did you see the flavors that are supposed to be capsulated in this drink?" Sarina shakes her head as Ryan pushes the menu over to her.

"Cinnamon?" Chase questions as Ryan flips him the bird once again. He still couldn't believe what Chase was drinking and so easily.

"Seriously – how do you drink that?" Chase just picks up the glass, tipping it back with ease. It went down smooth, and had the flavors of dreams.

"It's sweet, but with a hidden touch of spice that comes through when needed – like me." Ryan smiles, knowing that was certainly true. It was one of the reasons why he loved hanging with his best friend.

"You should tell the story about when you dragged me to the Florida Georgia Line concert because Cindy and Bill wouldn't let you go alone." Chase chuckles, remembering how he practically begged Ryan for two weeks, followed by doing a ton of dumb favors one whole day so he would go.

"I can't believe I did your laundry for that..." The waiter comes back, putting a small glass before Ryan as he looks at it surprised. It was the first time he had ever been served a drink that small.

"That's half the size of a normal glass...." The waiter nods her head, used to this comment regularly.

"Did you realize that it's 14% alcohol?" She asks and Ryan glances over, surprised. "So when we have people here who are trying a variety of beers, we serve in a half glass so they don't get drunk too quickly and miss out on other things they want."

"That's pretty smart..." Ryan offers as Chase picks up the glass, smelling it with a smile forming. It certainly smelt quite wonderful. "Better than your cinnamon?"

"Do I smell caramel and vanilla in there?" He wonders, and everybody around the table nods their head. That was just a touch of what was in it and why it caught Ryan's attention on the menu.

"Caramel, vanilla, chocolate, bitter hops and burnt oak give this beer one of the strongest tastes you'll ever experience," Sarina reads off the menu, taking a small smell. "That actually smells good!"

"Enough to break your rule for just a tiny sip?" Ryan wonders as Sarina nods her head. She takes the smallest of sips possible, licking her lips afterwards. "Want one of your own?" Sarina lets out a sigh, smiling.

"If I'm going to break my own rule to myself, then let it be one of those..." The waiter accepts.

"If you need any suggestions for what to try, let me know..." The waiter says, before leaving to get Sarina's drink. Chase just watches Ryan, smile growing more. He could see where things were going from here.

"She has a thing for you..." Chase teases as Ryan gives him a look.

"They tell everybody that," he offers and Chase shakes his head.

"The hair flip, booty angle, certain walk, staring at you.....The signs are there." Ryan glances over his shoulder at the bar, where he sees her pouring the drink. He couldn't lie – he had been checking her out all night.

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