Chapter 62: Off to Amsterdam

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Monday, August 21

After catching up on their sleep, they went for food as promised, before getting set for the first step in their journey they knew would be exciting across the entire week.

"So, what's this special thing that you added to the trip, Chase?" Sarina wonders as Chase just smiles. Though as he thought it over, he wondered whether it was fair. While he would completely be thrilled, and Ryan was decently set for it, he didn't want to have Sarina left out.

"You know what? Maybe it's not a good idea," he lets out, catching Ryan's attention. Ryan looks back curiously, obviously not catching where he was going with it as all he could think of was the excitement during the discussion phase.

"Aww someone is turning into a bit of a chicken?" Ryan questions, catching a curious glance from Sarina. Did she really want to know what they were planning?

"No – no way. I'm just wondering about Sarina..." She then crosses her arms. What were they so worried that she'd scared of? Just because she was the lone girl of the group, it didn't mean she couldn't hang with them.

"What is it?" She questions, growing frustrated with them already. Chase knew he couldn't dodge the topic any longer, actually curious as to what she'd say in response. Maybe it'd be different than his thoughts, but probably not.

"The Over the Edge Swing," Chase answers, bringing up a photo of it on his phone as Sarina bites his lip. Perhaps there was something that she was afraid of in their plans and unwilling to do.

"Oh...." Chase nods his head, seeing the fear written on her face immediately. "Yeah, maybe that's not for me. But hey, you and Ryan can go do it together if you want. I mean, I can check out the surrounding sights. It's fine." Chase appreciated the gesture, but he wanted to do everything as a group. This was supposed to be a getaway for everybody, and why spoil that on day one?

"I don't have to do it. We could go to the Escape Room that they have. There's an epic story behind it, too. I almost put that on the schedule." Ryan nods his head, remembering the discussion. The idea caused an immediate smile on Sarina's face.

"A mystery can always be fun..."

"And we know how competitive we are together," Ryan adds with a smile.

"But Chase, are you sure about skipping the swing?" Sarina wonders and Chase nods his head. He knew he could do a similar thrill somewhere else. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

"Lead the way, Elliott..."

With the city being known for their bikes, they all rented bicycles and had decided to ride around for the three days they'd be there. The tight streets, narrow passage ways and sometimes ridiculous car traffic already had them smiling at their approval. Besides, all three were avid bike riders as part of their work-out routines, having ridden many trails together. It was also a good balance considering they wouldn't have time for their usual work-outs.

They arrived at the Escape Room, immediately signing up for a room and set to begin their experience. Thankfully, an English translator was on hand or else they would've been totally lost on the Dutch story being told.

They heard about a Russian submarine that mysteriously disappeared 20 years ago in the North Pacific Ocean. A journalist went to study the disappearance, which was when the situation tuned serious. It was their job now to find what happened to the journalist, sub, while staying a step ahead of the Russian secret service in the process.

They were able to figure out the story and clues relatively quickly. It helped that Chase had a sense of stories based on his own obsession with conspiracy theories, while Sarina was smarter than she appeared in finding clues.

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