Chapter 61: Chase's Own Words

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Sunday, August 20

"Just think guys – tonight, we'll be heading off to Amsterdam set for the time of our lives," Ryan comments as they reach the court house doors together. Chase takes a deep breath, having reminded himself of that constantly since this date was announced.

"Can we just go there now and forget this?" Sarina questions as Ryan holds the door open for her and Chase. It was certainly the thought each of them were having right now in unison.

"I wish...." Ryan then follows them inside. "If we could get away with doing that, I would do it in a heartbeat." If there wasn't a piece of a paper and e-mail requesting Chase's appearance, he knew he'd be following Ryan's request. Who would willingly put themselves through this? "By the way, what happens if you don't show up today by chance?"

"Unless I'm in a hospital or a jail cell, and can provide a note backing that up, I would be deemed in being in contempt of court," Chase starts, causing a confused glance from Ryan. It seemed nobody understood how they came to the usage of that word for these situations. "An arrest warrant would be put out for my arrest, and I would go to jail for a minimum of 30 days, to a maximum of five years per Florida law. That was included in the package sent to me, by the way."

"So maybe it's a good thing we did listen, huh?" Chase nods his head as they enter the court room. It was probably the only reason why they were there. "Although, if he went to jail, that'd free up a lot of things that we could just do togeth-"

"I heard that, Blaney!" Ryan laughs as Sarina just rolls her eyes. She honestly wasn't surprised by the comments, knowing this was probably just the beginning of the week ahead.

"If he was sitting in a jail cell, then you'd be going on your own because I'd be trying to get his ass out," Sarina informs him. "And by the way, there's no way you'd survive this trip alone. You need someone to help your ass back to the hotel after the drinks..." Chase could only smile in response as he sat down, with his friends on either side of him.

"You do realize that I could've taken a lot of other friends other than you both?" Chase and Sarina then look over at Ryan, surprised. Were they really that easily replaceable?

"Then why don't you call them up? I mean, you're cutting in on the time that we've got alone together..." The smile on Chase's face widened as Ryan tried to find the right words to say. This was certainly going to be a fun week ahead.

"You're not going to win this argument," Chase comments as he wraps an arm around Sarina's shoulders for support, knowing she'd stiffen up as soon as her brother entered. There was also a mix of thoughts already based on the possibilities of the psychiatrist's findings.

"Please don't tell me the whole trip is going to be this way...." Ryan begs as Chase just gives him a wink. Ryan went to say something, though stopped as he watched the clerk walk in and stand before the judge's desk.

"All rise!" The clerk states, as they all rise together. As he did the same time they were in the court room, Chase clutches Sarina's hand tightly with his own, keeping her held close as he watches them bring Chris into the room. Chase catches the glance Chris throws his way with a smirk, and Chase focuses on giving him the most stone cold look he could muster in reply.

"And you're worried about me...." Sarina whispers, catching Chase's reaction immediately. There was a reason for the glance, and it had nothing to do with fear.

"I'm fine," Chase replies. "He's not bothering me in anyway. I'm just sending him a message." Ryan could only chuckle at the thought.

"Chase a big tough guy?" He questions. "Nobody would ever believe that...." Chase then glances over at Ryan. Perhaps there would be another good reason to tune into this trip.

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