Chapter 66: A Fast & Furious Bet

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Friday August 23

Knowing they had a busy day ahead of them, Ryan and Sarina were the first ones up this morning, with Chase actually sleeping in for a change.

"I have an idea....." Ryan muses as he glances over at his best friend curled up in the bed. He was going to find the answer he wanted, one way or another.

"Oh no...." Sarina comments, knowing that glance from Ryan. Normally, it was followed by a prank for her. What was he about to pull on Chase?

"Do you know the password to his phone?" Sarina glances over at Ryan, surprised. Did she want to know what he was trying to plan?

"Ryan....." Ryan knew it was wrong, but what else was there to do? He had tried every other option yesterday.

"What? There's no way we can guess this...." Sarina lets out a sigh as she grabs the hairbrush. She knew to respect personal boundaries.

"I'm not hacking his phone just for that and no, I don't know it." Ryan shook his head as he glanced at the night table. It was very tempting, and he was clear.

"Shit!" He then picks up the phone, looking it over as Sarina can only look back surprised.

" Ryan!!" Ryan glances over at her, knowing he had to convince her to help him. It was only hope if this plan was going to work.

"Do you really want to go through another day of wondering?" Sarina knew it was annoying, and she wanted to know as badly as ever, but this wasn't fair. There had to be some lines drawn in the sand.

"This is a bad idea...." Ryan knew that, but at this point, he didn't care. The curiosity had bothered him long enough.

"Maybe...." He then reaches over where Chase's hand was, trying to press the different ones up against the finger pad. As he tried to do it with left hand, Chase's right hand landed on top of Ryan's, gripping it.

"Don't ever do that again, got it?" He questions, sternly. He wasn't one to get angry about many things, but personal privacy needed to be respected.

"Got it," Ryan says as he lets go of the phone, placing it in Chase's hands, feeling bad immediately. A secret announcement certainly wasn't worth the response he was getting now. "Sorry. You're right – the announcement is not worth doing this...." Chase lets out as he gets out of the bed.

"I was going to tell you, but maybe I won't now...." He then grabs a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before heading into the bathroom for a shower. He knew if he stayed there longer, he would have more to say, regretting it later.

"Great job, Ryan!" Sarina comments as she focuses on herself in the mirror.


In hopes of making up for his stupid mistake, Ryan bought the group breakfast that morning at the café, crossing his fingers it got him back on Chase's good side. He was set to find out the announcement by day's end, no matter what it took – but while respecting boundaries.

"Oh, so Martin Frederich heard we were going to Germany," Chase comments, referring to JR Motorsportst' IT director which was born there. "He passed along some notes to consider about traveling around, places to see, key phrases..." Chase hands a photo copy to Ryan and Sarina. "I forgot to give that to you yesterday."

"Not a bad list," Sarina comments as she reads over the notes. Maybe it paid off knowing people who had traveled here before.

"He covered the essentials – Bier, Waschraum, Essen," Ryan reads off, which translated to beer, washroom and food. "So is this why you suggested the zoo?" Chase nods his head.

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