Chapter 47: Pageant Week

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Chase lets out a sigh. It was only Tuesday, but he was already wishing the week was over.

While he had been entertained slightly by some of the guests, the actual pageant work just seemed to drag on. He just couldn't get into staring at these girls aimlessly, and supposedly judging who was prettier. Let's face it – they were all beautiful. But none of them compared to his Sarina.

Thankfully, he hoped the next two days would become more interesting. They had slimmed the batch down and now it was going to be based on talent and comments. Hopefully some stood out, made the job easy, so he could make the selection and move forward.

"Hey Chase," he hears one of the girls say as he finishes up his dinner at the restaurant that night. He glances over his shoulder, recognizing her. Alison – that was her name. He remembered her based on how the judge beside him was wondering how he could get her number. "A couple of us are going to hang out in the pool. Do you want to join us?" Chase shakes his head no.

"I'm actually going to head up to my room shortly," he tells her. Some relaxation by the pool probably would've been nice, but he wasn't about to play flattery to the ladies. Instead, he knew a quiet night was what he needed. Let's face it – a week ago, he was sitting in a hospital room waiting to be released. There was reason for wanting to focus on himself.

"It's okay to flirt and hang out with the contestants. Nobody will say anything." He rolls his eyes, knowing how most of these girls worked. They figured with an extra bit of flattery, they could get their way through the finals with ease. However, it should clear for various reasons as to why that wasn't going to work here.

"I appreciate the offer, but like I said, I'm turning in early tonight. I want to catch up on some rest..." It was no secret what had happened. Everybody should understand why he would want to get some sleep, right?

"Let me guess – the girl has you whipped into shape so that you can't play with the girls?" He then looks over surprised. That was the last line he expected one of these contestants to blabber off in his ear tonight. Perhaps there was some truth to the skanky possibilities of track bunnies. "Yeah, yeah, we know you got a girlfriend and we know girlfriends can be. Scared that their boyfriend will venture off the path so they lay down the law of flattering around. I mean, I can't blame her really. You're a charming guy and I wouldn't want to lose that, either. But, she should trust you and understand if you love her, you won't stray..."

"So that's how you think this goes?" Alison nods her head, and he almost wanted to start laughing in her face. However, he was going to keep it serious and give her a good word of advice. He also made a mental note to ensure a quick elimination tomorrow. "Let me tell you something, Ms. Star. Sarina knows exactly where I am – judging a pageant on behalf of my sponsor. I didn't lie or anything. She didn't give me any ground rules, lectures, the fact that I had to check in. I also know that she won't hire someone to spy on me or is worried that I will stray, like you say. Why? Because we truly love each other, and when you truly love someone and trust them, you don't worry at all. So before you start trying to lecture me on my love life, you should realize that's none of your business, and you're way out of line." He stands up, placing a tip on the table, before heading out of the restaurant as he had already paid his dinner bill.

"Chase!!!" She then hurries after him, rushing through the halls as she reaches him at the elevator. He pushes the button, watching the door open. He goes to walk in, as she places her hand before him. Perhaps the perfect payback would be allow the door to close right on her hand at this moment. "Chase, can I apologize, please? I don't want you to hold this against me tomorrow."

"You should've thought about that before you said something because I've seen a lot of your character right here tonight, and I don't think I'd like that image on the front of my sponsor's door." He then brushes her hand out of the way, climbing in the elevator, before hitting the button and heading up as she stands there, stunned, door closing in front of her.

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