Chapter 69: "Guilty."

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Friday, September 8 – Richmond International Raceway

Chase lets out a sigh as he leans back against the tool chest in the garage stall, having just checked his phone for what seemed like the millionth time that day. All he wanted was the perfect update, and a decent result from where Sarina was, and he would be pleased. It was supposed to be a simple process, anyway.

"What crawled up your ass?" Chad Avrit comments, noticing the glance on Chase's face. "I mean, we weren't that bad in practice..." Alan glances over, picking up the same vibe from Chase – which just didn't seem right in how well he knew him. He knew when something was bothering his driver, and normally knew the details - unlike today. However, he also knew boundaries, too.

"Chad...." Alan says quietly, catching a look from Chad. Alan turns his glance back even sterner as if to send a message - which should not be necessary by now, before looking towards Chase with a look of concern. He knew Chase knew he could bring any concerns to him, no matter what. 

"Hey, where's Sarina anyway?" Travis questions as he climbs out from underneath the car. Chase just rolls his eyes, preferring to not talk about it with the crew guys. Why did they always have to ask too many questions right now? Didn't they have a job to be doing? Maybe they'd win more races if they worried less about his life and more about their job. 

"Oh gosh...." Jared Seate lets out, having caught the eye roll. "You guys better not be fighting again. I will scream. I mean, what is it gonna take for you both to realiz-"

"We're not fighting or anything like that!" Chase lets out as he takes another glance at his phone. He then takes a deep breath, as he sees no updates yet, putting it back up. He hated to snap on the guys, but there was no secret the stress of the situation was eating at every fiber of his being. 

"Dude, I didn't mean to tick you off," Travis starts. "I just was asking casual question wise. I mean, I would expect her to be here. I mean, it's not like her to miss a weekend when she's off...." Chase nods his head, understanding that, relaxing himself. Perhaps he should've given the guys a benefit of doubt. After all, if anybody knew him well, it was this group that surrounded him every single week of the year. 

"It's fine – I'm sorry I snapped. She's not here because she has court today." Travis nods his head, understanding. The guys could all get behind the frustration with that after what they witnessed together. "Bethany is filing her plead today for charges of conspiracy and forcing Allison. Sarina went to witness it so at least one of us were there. Christopher and Marcus went with her."

"So why aren't you there?" Josh questions as Chase looks his way. Wasn't the answer to the question very obvious, considering? 

"Cause I'm here," Chase answers and it was Josh's turn to roll his eyes. In his eyes, the day could have bene handled several other ways. Isn't that why a thing called substitute drivers were invented? 

"Obviously, smartass. But I mean, you should be there, too...." Chase knew that, but that wasn't in the cards. If he wanted to, he could've, but knew that would not be the comfortable approach for him right now. 

"I couldn't miss practice and qualifying for tomorrow. I did even bring up missing one of the practices and let's just say – never again. Sarina about cut my head off. She told me my focus should be here making the playoffs." The crew nods their head in response, split in what they would've done.

"So instead you're here, nervous about what's happening, waiting for updates, hoping she's okay?" Chad wonders and Chase nods his head as he glances back over at him. Perhaps this conversation wasn't a total bad idea after all. "I totally get that, and I apologize for my comment. It wasn't my business..." Chase smiles, as it was nice to have the crew all on his side.

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