Chapter 73: "Tell me how you really feel..."

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Friday, October 13 – Talladega Superspeedway

Done with the final session of the day, Chase headed back to the motorcoach lot, satisfied. Glancing at the time, they still could go out if they wanted. Though as he walks inside, he notices Sarina sitting on the couch with the magazine in hand.

"What are you doing with that?" He questions as she looks up at him. Wasn't it obvious? It seemed to be what everyone else was doing with the contents inside of these papers.

"Just looking at it in disbelief," she answers as he walks over, holding his hand out. There was only one solution this, as the emotions all over her face displayed the only result. 

"Give it to me. You don't need to consume yourself with that..." She hands it over, and he takes it to the kitchen, placing it directly in the trash. "You said earlier that you were fine. So, tell me how you really feel..."

"You wouldn't want to know..." He then looks on surprised as he walks back over to where she sat, kneeling before her. It felt like a punch in the gut being told those words as he thought they were far beyond that stage. They were a trusting couple that did everything for each other. She knew he cared so he deserved better than that. 

"Don't ever say that. I care about you, and I always want to know what you're thinking and feeling – good or bad. Please, tell me..." She takes a careful deep breath, eyes focused on his. She knew she could try and swallow it, do as she had always done on her life. However, the eyes before her told her that'd just cause a bigger headache because he wasn't about to let things go so easily. 

"I knew it was going to come out. I knew that everybody would know eventually. I just didn't expect it to come out like this. I wanted to have some control over it so I could explain. Have you seen twitter today? Have you seen the fans out there? Have you seen the guys and gals off other teams? The looks I am getting are just....they're hard to stomach, okay? It's like everything that I worked for since moving down to North Carolina is being swept out from under my feet. Why did I bother with a dream?" He wanted to wrap his arms around her, hold her tight, and never let her go, as he grabs hold of one of her hands. Every bit of her words broke his heart, but especially the last piece of that. With everything she'd gone through and how far she'd come, the answer to that very question should be very easy. 

"Because everybody deserves a chance to dream, and a chance to chase after those dreams. After what you've been through, from heartbreak to torn apart from your family, to seeing and witnessing everything you did, you deserve that more than anybody else could. All that pain that you've experienced deserves to be turned into something good. And no, everything is not getting swept awa-"

"Again, have you seen those looks?" Chase nods his head, having noticed them on the way to the garage that morning. He didn't dare to react or do anything about them, though, having grown used to people being skeptical and having opinions. It was one of the things you dealt with being a second generation racer through your entire life as a child.

"Those who know the whole story, though, and those who have gotten to see who you are, aren't looking that way. Instead, they're giving you looks of pride in watching you continue to fight the battles thrown your way. Kyle applauded your courage today in the media center. I heard other drivers applaud your talent 10 times over. Heck, my guys have told me that they have your back no matter what. Just ignore what everybody else is saying. Once they see what I see in you, they'll back off." She smiles a little as she glances down at his fingers interlocked with hers. The compliments were nice, as it was nice to know for the first time in her life she wasn't on an island with everything. 

"I feel bad for when you get thrown in it, though. There are people on twitter saying that we shouldn't be together, that I truly don't love you, that you just feel bad for me..." He takes a deep breath, knowing they've been down this road before. However, he didn't mind repeating it if necessary.

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