Chapter 74: Talladega Chaos

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Saturday, October 14 – Talladega Superspeedway

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chase asks as he and Sarina stand on the grid together. She simply nods her head yes, as she looks into his brown eyes. She just needed to convince him enough so she could get behind the truck and do her thing that day. 

"I'm alright," she answers. "It's a little sore, but I can handle it." He then grabs both her hands, his eyes still focused on her blue ones. He wanted to see straight through her, see whether it was a lie or the truth. He wanted to also give his own heart a little more insurance. 

"Just promise me that if it gets too bad, you will bow out..." She nods her head, accepting, but knew that wasn't happening in a million years. There was no way she'd give up an opportunity to go fast. 

"I'll be fine...."

The pre-race ceremonies went smoothly as they stood together, followed by a kiss after the national anthem. He then walked away as she climbed in the truck, set for a fun day at Talladega.

He takes his usual spot atop the Kyle Busch Motorsports pit box behind Marcus, his leg already tapping nervously. Why was it so nerve-whacking to watch any restrictor plate racing now? He then watches as Erik Jones climbs the steps next, firesuit in hand, taking a seat beside him.

"Just to let you know, you probably will be stuck here all race," Chase comments as the trucks peel off pit road for the beginning of pace laps. Although he had offered the promise to Sarina, he knew there was no way she would give up during the race. That was never in her nature from the time he met her.

"Oh really?" Erik questions, as he glances over at him. The reasoning for simple. The full explanation was not to be explored here for the young driver.

"Yeah, I don't see her getting out no matter how crappy she's feeling. You should know. You've raced against her." Erik smiles, remembering some of their short track battles together in late models. He won a couple of those, but admittedly, had been beat more times than he could count by her and left in disbelief.

"You should be her back-up, actually." Chase chuckles as he looks at Erik surprised. It made sense - except for a couple reasons that were very glaring. 

"Really?" Erik nods his head as he glances around. The first reason was obvious enough, knowing he wouldn't spend time separated from her. 

"You're here anyways..." Chase had to admit he had a good point. However, was there ever a day that you would see him behind the wheel of a Kyle Busch Motorsports Toyota Tundra? Probably not.

"Can't though. Conflict of interest." Erik knew the tight rope that was walked there.

"I know. Maybe you should get a Toyota." Chase laughs as there was no way he was leaving Hendrick Motorsports in the near future, and that meant sticking with Chevrolets knowing the boss.

"Never, you know that's not happening. Maybe her and Busch should get Chevrolets. Busch did once upon a time..." Erik laughs, remembering Kyle's time spent at Hendrick. He had heard some interesting stories, and knew that wouldn't be in the future cards. There was something about their culture that didn't mesh with Busch's way of doing things. 

"Yeah, not happening again. I can guarantee that." Chase was caught off-guard by the direct approach – to a point. He had to admit the relationship between Kyle and Toyota had blossomed really well, and worked good for both parties. But, he wasn't about to let Erik know that.

"Never say never. Look at Byron." Erik knew the story as William drove for Kyle for a year, before moving to JR Motorsports this season. However, Erik also knew where William started in late models – JR Motorsports.

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