Chapter 38: Hero or Villain?

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Thursday, June 29 – Daytona International Speedway

Chase walks into the trailer, flopping back on the couch as he rolls his eyes. It had just been one of those days.

"Well you look pleased..." Sarina comments, noticing his actions as he looks over at her. If there was someone who understood where he was coming from, she was the perfect candidate.

"Media center availability – such fun, huh?" He questions as she looks on confused. "Oh, did you not see the lovely questions that they decided to go with?" She shakes her head no, having been busy with her own stuff all day long.

He then pulls out his phone, pulling up the transcript before handing it over to her.


"I am just hoping I have the right push to get around him."


"Absolutely not. I wouldn't think twice about it if I had an opportunity to pass him. I am not going to let anybody win. Would you?"

"Why would they even ask if you would think of finishing second to someone?" Sarina questions as she hands him his phone back. The question just seemed something out of total left field. She now understood Tony's frustration with the media every day that much more. "I mean, that's just ridiculous! Everybody knows that every single racecar driver is going to go for the win, no matter who the hell is in front of them and what it means to that person."

"Thank you," Chase accepts her comment, glad that something sympathized with him. Now if only the rest of the world would get that.

"So why the aggravation?" He then lets out a sigh as he opens up twitter, ready to display the evidence from the rest of the world.

"It's just hearing the question to begin with, as you expressed, and now the local media is turning it into a big deal in how I'm the mean butthead that won't help my teammate." She then chuckles as she couldn't believe it. Was this really happen? Wasn't he supposed to be the baby face of the series?

"Chase Elliott the villain? What has happened?" He shrugs his shoulders. "To be honest, that's just ridiculous. I mean, I don't even get how that happened. That person whoever they are should be banned from media centers for the rest of their life. By the way, is today ridiculous day or what? It goes along the lines of everything else today." Chase then looks over, confused. "Would you believe that Christopher Bell thinks that I should be worried about my own brother hurting people?"

"Really?" She shakes her head yes.

"He came up to me today and made mention of it, trying to convince me and playing his damn worry card again. You can tell how far that went." Chase could only imagine the drawback Christopher got, but wondered if it was really warranted as he had his thoughts about her brother, too. Perhaps this conversation was warranted for curiosity.

"I wouldn't want to be him...." Sarina smiles, glad Chase was already predicting the enviable reaction that was delivered.

"Of course, I did talk to my brother. By his answer, I say there's not a thing to worry about – except the fact that he may be attending the family reunion. He also made mention that I may be avoiding my family because I don't think of them that way anymore, due to having become a part of this adopted racing family and only thinking of that. Like, I'm using an avoidance measure."

Chase about opened mouth on the comment as it only added to the theory about her brother being involved. By poisoning people, he could be taking charge against her new adopted family out of jealousy. It went along perfect with him saying that nobody could fix him and his other previous comments.

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