Chapter 18: Daytona 500

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Sunday February 21, 2016

The previous days of the weekend had played out like a routine of events, one after the other, with repetition written over them. It was just going through the motions, focusing on the task at hand. He got a celebration mode mixed in, via winning the XFINITY race, which was nice to have. Considering how things had been lately with the plane crash and all mixed together, a reason to smile was huge.

Though now, standing in the hauler facing the same mirror that he had become familiar too, today was a totally different day. It wasn't just another race day, but rather his first career Daytona 500. This was the moment as he had reached the big time. The realization in what was set for this season, that he was making his dreams come true, that he was taking over the famed No. 24 car – it all hit home that morning as he stood there.

While others would be worried of expectations, it brought a smile to his face as he reflected back on everything that he had accomplished through his career to that point. All the hard work and dedication put in through the years was paying off now. He just needed to go out there and do a good job that day.

"Facing some disbelief?" He hears as he watches the hauler door open, glancing over towards his father with a smile.

"It's really starting to hit what's about to happen this year," he sounds off as he glances back at the mirror. "I'm really going to race in the Sprint Cup Series. Everything is coming together crazier than I could've dreamed. I'm shocked, but I'm also proud." Bill couldn't help but smile in hearing his son's comments as he made his way over. Certainly all the hard work he had watched him put in was paying off, and he couldn't be more proud.

"I bet you there's some nerves there, too." Chase wanted to shakes his head no and pretend as if that wasn't the case, but standing there and realizing he'd be leading the 40-car field to the green flag, there was no way to escape all of the nerves.

"I don't want to mess up and let everyone down. I don't want to let myself down. I'm just worried about making a mistake or not making the right move at the right time." Bill places a hand on Chase's shoulder, not surprised by the comments, but knowing they also weren't necessary. Why did he always put too much pressure on himself?

"You're a rookie. You're going to make mistakes. It's all about learning and moving forward. But, you don't need to be worried. You did a great job yesterday in the draft – actually, spectacular job – and you've gotten better with each practice. I believe in you, the team believes in you, Rick believes in you. You just need to believe in yourself." Chase shakes his head, knowing that his father was right.

Following the discussion, he made his way out to pit road, set for the raceday. He wished he could just hop in the car, let the butterflies immediately escape his body, and focus on the task at hand. However, that wasn't the case. There were driver introductions, interviews, and VIPs waiting by the car to see him. He just hoped that everything went smoothly, and quickly.

For the most part, everything followed his direction as the interviews went easier than he had anticipated, and driver introductions was actually sort of fun. Before he knew it, he found himself standing on the grid by his No. 24 NAPA Auto Parts Chevrolet, counting down the minutes to the start of the Daytona 500. As he stood there thinking, it was all about following the same theory as the day before – make the right moves, and it'll be an easy day in staying up near the front.

He is snapped out of his thoughts, though, as he notices a pair of familiar faces interacting with the crew guys, joking around and sharing conversation. He could think how odd it probably was for Ella and Leo to be standing on the grid for the first time with their daddy not set to his famed car, but rather Chase drive it.

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