Chapter 37: Sonoma

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Ryan makes his way back into the hotel room after getting breakfast with his crew guys, grabbing his bag as he searches for something.

"Ugh!!!" Sarina lets out as she looks at herself in the mirror, trying to fix her hair. Why didn't it just want to co-operate and go in the pony tail as it should?

"You realize that you look pretty without getting all frustrated over a simple piece, right?" Ryan questions as she looks out of the bathroom. The compliment was certainly appreciated, but didn't cure the anger she was feeling.

"Well I appreciate the compliment, this pony tail is pissing me off." He then laughs as he sets his stuff down, walking over into the bathroom. He didn't think he'd be doing hair this morning, but seeing her frustrated wasn't a sight he enjoyed.

"Give me the hair tie..." She hands it over, slightly confused. He then grabs the brush off the counter, running it through her hair a couple times, before putting the hair up in a perfect pony tail. She then checks it out, swinging it back and forth a couple times, before looking back at Ryan impressed. She didn't pan him as someone that would know how to put hair up. "What? I have two sisters, remember?"

"Right, that's the reason for this. But, thank you." She then exits the bathroom, making her way over to the bed. She taps Chase's shoulder, waking him up as Ryan just rolls his eyes. There were many other ways the peach could have awaken in his mind.

"You should've let me put whip cream or something in his hand...." She then looks on, surprised. Wasn't the first rule of pranking not to give away all of your ideas? It was also a shock for Ryan to assume she would have co-operated.

"And let you have some fun? Nah, I got the honor of that last night." He then rolls his eyes, still mad about how that prank played out. It was actually ridiculous in his mind now as he thought back how they seemed to trick him so easily.

"I still owe you one..." She then laughs as Chase sits up, glancing between the pair. What time was it anyway?

"Why does morning come so early?" He questions as he kicks the blanket off the bed.

"Technically, you slept in three extra hours than you would on the east coast," Ryan comments as Chase just flips him the bird while walking by to the bathroom. "Is he always grumpy in the morning?"

"It depends," Sarina reasons, but knew it was the usual case. For now, though, she was ready to blame it on the time change. She then walks over to the mini fridge, pulling out a small bottle of orange juice. She had put it in there the night before, set to sip on it in the morning before heading out with Chase to the track and getting breakfast. Chase couldn't help but chuckle from the bathroom as he watched her undo the cap, causing him to quickly slam the door as she looked over suspicious. "He's also goofy at times in the morning."

"He's a special one, isn't he?" Ryan then sits back on the bed, set for the day and knowing he should head out, but he couldn't resist leaving and watching the show. Sarina untwists the cap, bringing the bottle up to her mouth. She takes a mouthful, immediately spitting it out afterwards.

"What the heck?" She then looks over the bottle, confused as ever. Why did it taste so bad? She had never tasted orange juice that bad. "That taste like no tropicana. That is just crap!" She checks the expiry date, but it hadn't expired.

"Did it taste cheesy?" She then lowers the bottle, looking at Ryan confused. Did she really want to know what he had up his sleeve?

"A little...." He then smiles with a laugh as he opens the drawer, throwing her a box of kraft dinner that was missing the cheese packet. He then goes into the cooler that he had, throwing her a bottle of proper orange juice.

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