Chapter 22: Daytona Speedweeks

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February 2017

Chase wakes up the next morning, glancing around the room confused. Why was he in the trailer? How long had he been on the couch?

"Oh man..." he says out loud as he goes to move, feeling a pain up his left side, originating from his ribs. Relaxing back down and taking a couple deep breathes, he goes through the exercises, allowing his body to calm down before attempting to move again. He knew a couple Tylenol would be his friend.

"Well hello sleeping beauty," he hears as he watches the lounge door open, looking up to see Alan standing there. It was better having Alan walk in on him than a random crew member.

"What time is it?" Chase then slowly sits up, letting out another sound of aggravation. It was very clear that there was more pain this time around.

"It's 10. You've got an hour and a half till The Clash." He easily shakes his head, before snatching his phone off the table to check a couple messages. He watches as the crew chief quickly leaves the room, giving him some privacy, only to return five minutes later with a tray. Alan sets the tray down on the table as Chase looks at the contents. "Breakfast is served and ready for you. We made it about a half hour ago, but I kept a plate nice and warm for you for when you were ready."

"You didn't have to do that..." Chase then glances at the plate – eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, home fries – accompanied by a glass of orange juice and two Tylenol. There was certainly two things that he had his eyes on immediately. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chase then picks up the Tylenol, slipping them in his mouth with the orange juice before beginning to eat his breakfast. Hopefully those kicked in quickly.

"I didn't realize I fell asleep here. I laid back for a second last night due to the pain, wanting to let myself calm a bit before heading out, and I guess I fell asleep." Alan shakes his head, remembering when the crew guys had called him in the trailer last night. He had half-expected for Chase to leave the trailer middle of the night, but was actually glad he slept through the whole period instead.

"You were exhausted, and that caught up with you. You admitted to me the other day that you weren't sleeping, and you know that only five hours sleep in three nights is no good. Jared found you, called me. I grabbed the blanket, turned off the light and told the guys that you were staying here as the sleep would be good for you. I guess I was right." Chase shakes his head yes, savoring how refreshed he felt with a full night of sleep underneath him now. Hopefully this was a trend that continued if he wanted to survive Speedweeks.

"It feels good, honestly. I slept great as I didn't wake up once at all last night." Alan smiled as he knew it was progress. He knew if they were set to move forward without Sarina in his life, considering she hadn't accepted his offer to talk and called yet, then baby steps would need to be taken.

"Maybe it's the change of scenery. You're used to sleeping with her in the motorcoach that being somewhere else away from the reminders helped you." Chase didn't want to think that way as he wanted those reminders, wanting to remember the good time as he hung on to hope that at some point his phone would ring today.

"Maybe, I guess." Alan didn't want to push his young driver; however he felt the relationship break-up advice on tip of his tongue. Perhaps it could wait another day as they had a race to run, followed by qualifying.

"I am going to go and let you finish eating, followed by getting ready. Hopefully we can make today a special day." Chase smiles, shaking his head in agreement as he watches the crew chief head out.


Standing on pit road, he glances out to the 2.5-mile track, not believing he was standing in the exact same spot he was standing a year ago. How were they the quickest in the first round? How were they once again having a shot at the pole?

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