Chapter 44: Their Moment

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Monday, July 3

Chase sits up, set for the day's activities. While it had been nice to chill out for the past day and let himself relax, it was going to be nice to move around. He knew of the day's activities – walking around some, followed by a series to tests to see if there were any lingering effects. He knew there was no reason to be nervous, since they'd caught it early, but he couldn't help but wonder if something would be fine.

Taking a deep breath, he also had another request on the day, as well.

"Ryan, do you know if Sarina is still in the area?" He questions, catching his mom's attention as Ryan nods his head. "Give her a shout and ask her to come over this afternoon. I want to see her, please." Ryan nods his head, as he pulls out his phone. He knew Sarina would be glad to hear that news.

"I hope the reason is because you're through with everything," his mom comments as Chase just rolls his eyes. He knew there was going to be comments, but it still didn't mean he agreed. He also wasn't sure if he was up to an argument with her about things, but knew he couldn't bare another day of not seeing his girl.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions, so please let me do that. Besides, it wasn't her fault that her brother did this. She didn't do anything wrong so you can't hold this against her." Cindy wasn't about to take that road out, having seen many things along the way that had crossed every single thought process for her – not once, but twice now it seemed. Did Chase seem to think he was like a cat with nine lives? Cindy wasn't willing to chance that.

"She trusted her broth-"

"He's family. It's just part of you to trust family." Cindy almost wanted to laugh, knowing she wouldn't be trusting anyone that dare put your life in danger to once, but twice now.

"What about when you raised suspicions?" Chase remembered the conversation with Alan, the advice he offered in knowing where they'd wind up.

"She had her own opinion, and was stuck to it. I would be too if the roles were reversed. I get not wanting to believe it."

"I still don't agree with it, Chase. She's just brought trouble to your life." Chase hated to be having this discussion, but knew it was worth it after having a lot of thoughts the past night. He wasn't about to give up his chance to see his girl today. instead, he was ready to begin to move forward in more ways than one.

"I know, but it's not been her fault. For that reason, I can't hold it against her and we deserve a chance to talk about things. Whether you agree or not, that's not the point. I hope, though, that eventually you come to liking her and agreeing with this because I think you two could get along well." Cindy just rolls her eyes as Bill watches the pair from his spot in corner.

"We've raised him right, Cindy," he starts. "Chase knows how to handle situations, and I have to agree with him here. It wasn't her fault." Cindy looks over at Bill, surprised. Were they really having this conversation? They had just sat in this hospital room since Saturday because of this woman, ultimately. They were both sick with worry upon hearing the news initially, and now he was willing to let it go as well? "She didn't poison him. It also appeared that Chris was going to be fine from his actions and discussions. Just bare with it...."

"Besides, we can all go get something to eat and such while they discuss things," Ryan offers, knowing that Chase probably wanted to have this discussion privately.

"Do I get anything?" Chase wonders as Ryan looks over, unsure.

"I don't know if you're cleared for anything, yet. If they allow you, I can be your best friend." Chase smiles, knowing Ryan knew what he wanted without words needed.

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