Chapter 20: The Winter Showdown

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January 2017

"I never thought I'd see you in a Late Model this soon," Ricky Turner comments after picking up Chase from the airport. "I mean, I thought Sarina would at least have a couple more years."

"Guess that's what happens when you trust the wrong girl," Chase states as he relaxes back in the seat. He knew he couldn't continue the focus on her as that'd just twist his emotions around, which was the opposite of what he was trying to accomplish today. "Did you put my seat in?" Ricky shakes his head yes. "Thanks."

"Everything is ready to go for you when we get to the track. Considering you got in lat-"

"I didn't know I was drivi-"

"Hey, I'm not mad – just stating the truth. Anyways, you get one practice before qualifying and the main event. Winter Showdown schedule is up on the dash." Chase then takes the piece of paper off of the dash, giving it a once over as they pull into the track. Given how everything was laid out, he probably wouldn't get much time to focus on something else if he wanted. "I put the set-up that you wanted Sarina to try that day since it worked for you, but she changed slightly to make work for her. I figure it's a good starting point."

"Sounds fine by me." Ricky then parks in the parking lot before the pair get out. As they headed towards the pits, Ricky kept glancing over at the man that he had known his entire life, having not seen him this down ever, no matter what had happened – even when he screwed him over at the Snowball Derby. He almost wanted to turn around and leave, and forget their whole plan for this weekend.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive this weekend?" Chase then stops as they reach the trailers and glances over at Ricky. He knew that he couldn't lie, but he also didn't want to change his mind on everything. The thought of sitting at home, left to his devices with nothing to do and a focus on what happened, was a complete nightmare.

"My mind is in warp speed – battling between missing her, and knowing that she put my life in danger time and time again by lying. I keep thinking of the reasons why I love her, but yet feel the sting of betrayal. I find myself in times wondering if I was too hard on her, given everything in her life – but yet remind myself of how much it hurts in what she did. But sure, I'm okay to drive today." Chase then goes to continue walking when Ricky grabs his arm. That was certainly not the explanation of someone that he wanted to see behind the wheel.

"Chase, we don't have to do this. I can tell the guys to pack up and we can turn back and head home. They'll understand. Don't feel like you've been forced." Chase knew that was a possibility, but he didn't want to do that. It'd result in the team asking too many questions in which he didn't want to answer. For now, they all just thought Sarina was sick. He hadn't convinced himself to let Ricky say that they had broken up.

"I'll be fine once I get in the car."


Following the lone practice session, Ricky couldn't help but smile as he glanced at the scoreboard. Sure, they weren't the quickest car at the track – but they were closer than he thought they'd be, ranked seventh at the end of the session. A couple adjustments, and perhaps they could make something work in the 200 laps.

"Not so bad for a guy who hasn't stepped behind the wheel of one of these cars in a year and a half," Ricky comments after their discussion in the trailer. Chase couldn't help but smile, feeling a bit of pride in himself right now.

"I told you I'd be fine once I got in the car," Chase replies. "Thank you for dealing with me and my attitude this wee-"

"Chase, I understand what's going on. I'm here for you – as I've always been. You know that you can come to me for anything, right?" Chase shakes his head yes as he grabs a bottle of Gatorade out of the cooler. While he appreciated the man before him reaching out to comfort him, he knew there was no way he could divulge in everything right now.

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