Chapter 56: Ryan's Testimony

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Thursday, August 10

"My mom said I should cut my hair," Ryan comments as they get out of the car. It was clear the nerves were getting to him as he never rambled about crazy things like that. "She mentioned something about not looking good or proper for today – or whatever. What do you think?" Chase glances back at his friend, a small smile forming. He didn't see anything to complain about.

"I think you look fine, but then again – my hair is probably longer," Chase says as Ryan rolls his eyes, knowing that wasn't much of a benefit.

"As long as it not looking like a mess and you have somewhat styled it, they're not going to say anything," Sarina comments. At least that's what she had learned from her father's court experiences and stories that he did share with her. It was all about having a good presentation of yourself to start. "You both look fine. Let's go and get this over with, please." Chase lets out a sigh as he walks over to her, wrapping an arm around her, seeing some tension with the comment offered.

"Are you okay?" She then glances at him, knowing he was trying to be caring with hi question, but really not having time for it today considering the circumstances.

"I'm trying to put my brother away in jail for years for poisoning friends of mine. What do you think?" Chase lets out a sigh as Sarina instantly freezes. Sure, these weren't good circumstances, but he didn't deserve it that harsh. He was just trying to be caring, one of the reasons why she loved him. "Shit! That came out wro-"

"It's fine. It's honest. I told you I'd rather you be honest than try and sugarcoat your feelings as I don't want them to eat at you." He then pulls her a little closer to him, knowing there was no going back from the comments so might as well keep it rolling. "I know it's hard. I know it doesn't make sense. But regardless, I've got you through all this, I love you, and you're still amazing." He then leans in and kisses her lips as she looks back at him with a smile.

"Promise me you'll never cut the mop then?" He then rolls his eyes as he fixes a stray couple pieces again. He wished he could figure out his dad's secret to making it always stay in place.

"I actually don't mind it so we'll see, okay?" She smiles and nods her head. Progress was made, considering most guys were quick to chop it all off.

"I bet you'll cut yours before I cut mine," Ryan says as he holds the door open for them. Chase couldn't argue with that, knowing Ryan was set for full mullet where that'd start getting bothersome.

"You're probably right," Chase replies as he leads Sarina inside. The group then walks down the short hallway, stopping at the doors. "Whenever you're ready..."

"I just want this done and over with," Sarina states as she opens the door, leading the boys into the court room. The group takes their seats accordingly as Sarina taps her fingers on her legs. The faster this was done and over with, the faster she didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Just keep thinking of the fact that we'll be in Michigan tomorrow, far far from here, and you'll be mashing that gas pedal as hard as you can so you can go super fast and win." She then smiles as she looks over at Chase, knowing that offer sounded a thousand times better.

"Can we just skip today and go there now?" Chase wished they could do that as he wrapped an arm around the back of her. It wasn't like he wanted to be there right now, either.

"I wish, but unfortunately, we have to listen to Ryan tell a story." Ryan then smoothes his pants out again as he glances at the pair, before looking forward. The nerves were still there as he saw the room of people continue to grow, meaning more eyes would be focused on him. "Have you ever done trial before?" Ryan shakes his head. Wasn't it obvious?

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