Chapter 21: The Four Muskateers

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January 2017

"Well, well, it's the four muskateers," Ricky comments out loud with a small tinge of joke to his face, causing an interesting pair of glances from Kyle and Erik. "What? It fits. Besides, we could hear you all the way from the other end of the hall. If you wanted your conversation and worries to be private, you failed."

"Blame these two twits," Christopher says as he points towards Erik and Kyle, earning his turn for the glares. The comments certainly how they wanted to start this unexpected visit.

"Remember – I'm your boss," Kyle states before looking back over at Ricky and Chase. "Sarina has been a little worried about you and she wanted to see how you were doing. Against the judgment of those two numskulls, I agreed to bring her to see you – as long as you're okay with it." Kyle knew it was a touchy subject, having learned the connection between Sarina and Harry – whoops, Chris. It was why he had told Sarina he'd take the lead, incase Chase was set on chasing her out of the room.

"It's fine," Chase accepts, easily. It was nice to know after their fight and his altercation with her brother she cared enough to stop by and say hello. It was points towards the positive in reconciling. Now would that happen tonight? That was another topic all together.

"Kyle told me about your injuries, per what Ricky said," Sarina starts as she walks over to the edge of the bed, remaining at the bottom as fear ran through her mind. She didn't want to push her luck in not knowing where he stood about them being together right now. "How are you feeling, though?"

"Really sore, to be honest. As sore as I was last year when this happened, if not worse." Sarina felt as though her gut has been punched by the comment, as it served as a reminder this wasn't the first time her family had hurt him. It was like there was no hope in making things work down the road. "But, on the bright side, I don't have a concussion and I'm cleared to run Daytona as planned. Needless to say, I'll take it."

"Seriously?" Erik questions and Chase shakes his head yes as he glances towards the fellow youngster. The thought of any driver ensuring they don't miss the biggest race of the season should not be a surprise.

"I ran last year with my ribs broke so what's stopping me this year?" Chase offers and Erik couldn't argue that, remembering how he had looked on in amazement with how Chase handled that situation. He couldn't ever imagine having to endure that two years in a row.

"Are you still running the Clash?" Kyle wondered, simply out of curiosity. It was a question Chase hadn't pondered yet. He was for certain going to qualify, run the Duels, and the 500. As far as the rest, there were so many questions. It all depended on how the next week or so before going to Florida went.

"I don't know, yet," Chase answers truthfully. "It depends how practice goes and whether I feel up to it. With Alex running Dale's car, I know that I could possibly get Dale to run mine as he's technically qualified also." Kyle shakes his head accepting as he couldn't see a bad thought in how Chase was planning this. He wouldn't wan to push the envelope unless necessary.

"Would this be the time to explain the deal with Chr-" Christopher Bell starts, catching everyone's attention. It seemed nobody knew where to draw the right lines today.

"Have you not learned yet when to keep your mouth shut?" Erik cuts him off, as Ricky gives them a curious glance. Erik wasn't one to usually make a snapping comment, so there had to be a reason. "That's Sarina's choice, not yours. However, I don't believe that she should give Chase the time of day considering what happe-"

"You have no right to judge considering that you weren't there and you don't know the dynamics of what was happening," Ricky cuts Erik off as he stands up. "Kyle, why did you bring the twits, especially if they're going to talk like this? I mean, Sarina and Chase are going through this together. They know each other well. We've both seen that and hence why I accepted his words earlier about her, and why you brought her here. But these two? They may be able to drive, but buy them a clue." Erik's jaw drops in shock as Christopher puts his hand over his chest as if to act hurt.

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