Chapter 43: "Chase?"

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Sunday, July 2 – 4:30 AM

Where was he? Why was it so dark? Why couldn't he open his eyes? Was he trapped somewhere? Did the help that was supposed to arrive not come? Why did he feel like something was pushed down on him? Why was it so hard to open his eyes?

Why did he have all these questions?

He could feel pain throughout his body, sometimes feeling like he was on fire in parts. It wasn't as bad as earlier, but he would've preferred someone just to tear the guts out of his stomach if they wanted to hurt and burn this badly.

He then could hear beeping – realizing machines were probably around him. Maybe he was in a hospital – or maybe he was being monitored for torture purchases. What if he was now the toy of Chris' sick imagination?

"Cindy, I care about your son...." He recognized that voice. He knew he had heard that voice throughout his days and nights. It was a voice he had grown to love, and wanted to hear for the rest of his life. It was a voice he had been missing throughout the past day.

"If you would've done something, we never would've been here. Did you ever think about that?" He also recognized that voice, as well. He heard that voice throughout his entire life to this date, and it had helped in growing....

"Mom?" He tries to speak, though can't find the ability to do so. It had to do with what was pushing against his face and down his throat. Maybe this is what it felt like to have a tube down your throat as they described.

He still couldn't see any lights nor find the energy against the pain he was in to open his eyes, but he was able to put together both of the voices.

His mother and Sarina.

Why should it surprise him that those are the first two voices he hears upon waking up?

"I've thought about that constantly since hearing the news," he hears. "I realize it and it's the biggest regret ever. I don't know how to ever be fully forgiven or made up for it. I don't know if there's any coming bac-" He could hear the pleading, the emotions in her voice. He knew she didn't mean it; he understood her approach. Hence why he was waiting for her...he thought...or perhaps he wasn't. But for some reason, he could remember sitting somewhere waiting for her before being engulfed in pain.

"There isn't," he hears in response. "Listen sweetheart, you're done. I've been respectful and held back enough to let you stray and have fun. But that stops now. I can't handle this and you can't keep doing this to Chase. It's unfair of you to take advantage of his sweetness, forgiveness. So why don't you turn on your heels and march your ass out of this room?"

He didn't want Sarina to leave. He wanted to hug her, tell her he missed her, tell her that they'd be okay, and go back to what they had. He missed the fun times already with her. He felt the stung tears from their fight earlier that morning. He had to wake up and get back to her, and tell his mother otherwise. Why was it so hard to open his eyes?

"Cindy...." He hears a male voice, recognizing it right away. There was no way he would ever not recognize that voice for the rest of his life in having heard it since he was a baby.

"He still cares about me and I care about him," Sarina starts. "None of this changes that. We agreed to that in sticking together no matter what happened with Chri-" Why did it feel like his arms weighed 500 pounds? Why couldn't he just pick one up, reach out for her, and pull her as close as possible?

"That was before your brother tried to kill him!" Cindy yells. "Now get out!" He tried to yell no, initially forgetting the tube was there. Though a slight cough to himself and he instantly stopped. That was more pain than he knew he could handle. He had to find another approach and right away.

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