Chapter 30: A Busy Thursday....

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Thursday, May 26 – Charlotte Motor Speedway

Chase walks into the garage area for practice, glancing over at Sarina with a small smile. Anytime he got to see her was nice, but this was different.

"I'm surprised you're here," he comments, causing her to look on surprised. "I mean, it's just practice and qualifying."

"I'm here to support my man; is there a problem with that?" She questions and he smiles as he looks at her with a smile of his own. Anytime was worth it, right?

"Not one bit." He then leans in and steals a kiss. "By the way, I really do appreciate it, more than I'm letting you know. I think it's amazing." She then smiles as she watches her brother Chris and cousin Brittney wander the pits. It was still interesting to see how close they had been able to bond after everything.

"Besides, it was actually Brittney who convinced me that we should come. I told her that we could take the day and check out some other spots in Charlotte while you were busy, before I am busy tomorrow at fan day. She was like, 'Oh, not at all. I want to go to the track. I want to check this out. I want to watch practice.' I mean, I think I'm making a race fan out of her." Chase chuckles, but couldn't help but smile in response. He knew how much it meant to Sarina to have both her brother and cousin there, even if he wasn't totally comfortable quite yet.

"What about Chris?" Sarina wasn't sure on how much he was enjoying it, even with some of his comments. She was still taking things day-by-day, hopeful it was working out.

"I think he's pretty pleased, so far. I mean, he's still working on his own deal, too. They said it will take time to be completely healed from the brain surgery." Chase shakes his head, remembering the discussion. He had his own fingers crossed that during that time, he could let go more of what he felt towards Chris for the sake of him and Sarina together. "You're thinking...."

"How do you know?" She wraps an arm around him as they continue walking together. It was obvious with him, noting it from when they used to just hang out before dating. Why did he even try to hide it?

"You got quiet after I mentioned things. What's going on?" He lets out a sigh, not wanting to have the discussion, but knowing he couldn't lie to her. They had made a pack to not do that moving forward.

"I trust your brother. I trust what you said about the surgery and him changing his ways. But if I am going to be truthful, I still get a little nervous or worried when I'm around him. I can't help but ignore what happened. I'm just hoping that goes away as we move forward because I want it to work out for us." She takes a deep breath, remembering her discussion with Marcus a week ago. As he said, it was going to take some time but things would come around. This was a step in that direction. She just had to be patient, and understanding along the way.

"Chase, I understand your feelings. Nobody can convince you different. If the roles were reversed, I'd feel the same way because damn, I know we went through a lot with him. From me lying to your pain, I get it. You don't have to just start liking him to make me happy. I will get it, either way. However, I say maybe one day we can all be friends and go to Carowinds together." He then looks on surprised by the comment, but couldn't deny that as perhaps it was possible down the road. After all, the first couple of weeks had gone smoother than envisioned.

"I appreciate that..." He then walks into the garage stall, giving a couple guys a high-five as he walks up to the car. "Well, time to go to work..." He then puts his helmet on, slipping in as she gives his butt a quick slap.

"Do your thing!" She then walks away, leaving him with a surprised look on his face, along with some of the crew members. Did that really happen? Where did that come from?

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