Chapter 55: "You're kidding, right?"

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Tuesday, August 1 – Dixieland Speedway

Chase walks through the gates with Sarina after getting his wristband, glancing over with a smile as they make their way into the pits. It was just another day in life for the pair of racecar lovers.

"So we got a mid-week day where we both don't have any meetings or appearances, and yet we're at a race track?" Chase questions as Sarina laughs. It didn't surprise her one bit, though, knowing she'd never pass up a chance to run a late model.

"Some people would think we're crazy, huh?" Sarina replies as he laughs himself. "I just hope you're not upset that I'm not running a Chase Elliott Motorsports late model this time around." He had to admit it stung a little, but that wasn't the worst case here. Besides, there could be bigger issues in the world right now.

"I know you got a good thing going with Kyle, and he's got his program up to snuff. You'll do great..." He then wraps his arms around her surprisingly. "I'm just upset that I didn't bring that late model out here to kick your ass." She then laughs as she spins around to face him. The line didn't surprise her, though, throwing her right back to their beginning days together, when life was much simpler.

"Are you sure you're capable of doing that?" His jaw then drops shocked as she laughs. That was certainly the first time he had gotten that line in response from her. "Besides, you still need to focus on getting your ass better. I don't want to have to tell Alan he can't have you for another week because you got sick out here in Dixie." He knew she was right as he lets out a sigh. It was all about taking it one day at a time, following doctor's orders, letting his body heal, with the payoff being a return back to normal on Friday.

"Just as we told my parents, I'm being careful and watching, okay? Besides, I'm pretty much back to myself." She then looks on surprised, knowing it'd only been a matter of days since the last update where it seemed he felt sicker than ever.

"Pretty much?" He nods his head, having actually gotten through yesterday and today without any gravol – which he considered an accomplishment. "Just make sure you're taking those pills that the doctor prescribed." He simply nods his head again as they reached the hauler. Besides, he wasn't about to jeopardize things.

She went to meet up with the guys to talk shop, while Chase made his way out to one of the turns.

With practice starting soon, he pulled out his phone, set to lap time some of the quickest competition on the day. He also liked the vantage point of the corner as you could see how well their car was handling, and how deep they could drive it. It was always the best gauge as you could tell then who'd get the runs, who'd be good in a pack, and who'd be fine for a lap before falling off. As they say with racing, it was just as much about learning and analyzing as it was talent behind the wheel.

His mind immediately shifted to the past week, though, as he got lost in his own world. Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen the cockpit of a racecar in over a week. While he played it off to everyone that he was feeling better, his mind still twirled in thoughts.

What if the muscle twitches totally weren't gone and he got one at the wrong time? What if the sickness feeling wouldn't totally disappear? What if there was some sort of permanent damage they hadn't found? While normally he was more than confident in his abilities, the questions couldn't help but linger as he looked ahead to the upcoming weekend at Watkins Glen.

He also wondered about the fact Allison was still walking the streets. Why couldn't the cops locate her and arrest her? What if she struck again? She had easily played him once – there was no telling what she could do to play the roles again. How was the guy who was confident being anywhere in his shoes now set to deal with nerves because of a single female?

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