Chapter 4: A Helping Hand

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Summer 2015

Chase drives up the driveway, shutting the truck off as he glances into the garage.

The car sat in the middle, missing the damaged body panels, as well as several front end suspension parts. He knew from the late model days – she wanted to see first if the front clip was bent. While a racecar always caught his eyes, there was something so much more appealing right before him.

He could sit there and enjoy the view all day as he watched her work on the car, going through the repair process. Her hands covered in grease, every hair out of place, it was probably the most appealing image that he had ever witnessed. No doubt she was cute to look at on a usual weekend, but would he be lying if he was turned on right now?

Lost in his own gaze, he watches as her eyes glance out towards him, immediately snapping out of his thoughts as he looks towards where his phone lied in the center consol. There was no way that he could get caught staring.

He grabs his phone, getting out of the truck and making his way up to her.

"I thought you were just going to sit there and enjoy the view all night," she offers as he walks up to her. Guess his plan had been spoiled already.

"I can't help but admire you for your work ethic," he comments as she glances back at him. While she enjoyed the flirting, and admitted he was a pretty good match, she didn't have time for those games right now. He was there for a purpose, right?

"Rather than admire, how about you get your pretty hands dirty and help me take these bolts out?" She then tosses him a wrench, in which he catches with a smile. He was already looking forward to what was about to happen tonight.

"Pretty hands? Obviously the little girl doesn't realize that I helped work on my cars with Ricky coming up through." She then lets out a laugh as she grabs a wrench from the tool box looking back at him.

"I know your work ethic, Chase. I know you worked hard. I know you're the hardest critic on yourself. But, look at you now. Mr. Superstar with everything falling in place. All you got to do is drive that car as hard as you can and chase wins as the rest is there." She then works at loosening the bolt on her side as he does the same on his side. Once it's loosened, the pair remove the front axle as she stands back, glancing at the car. "Let's test your knowledge. Is this front clip salvageable?" Chase then looks it over before looking at her. He knew if he failed this test, there was probably no way that he could bounce back and get what he wanted.

"I'd say it is because the main bars aren't. You just need to replace the bumper bars, as well as a couple door bars." She then looks it over and looks back at him with a smile. Perhaps he was onto something with his comment, no matter how much she wanted to tease him.

"Congratulations Mr. Elliott, you have passed today." He smiles as he leans back against the wall, waiting for her to figure out what needed to be done next. He had some ideas himself, but he was quite content with allowing her to run the show tonight.

"So if you're going to test my knowledge and make me wor-"

"I'm not forcing you to be here. I thought you offered so I'll join you this weekend in Michigan." He then thinks it over, knowing that she was smarter than he was going to give her credit for her at that moment. He couldn't slip one by her if he wanted.

"One point for you. But if I'm going to take you to Michigan with me, shouldn't I know more about you?" She glances over at him with a curious gaze as she heads to the back of the shop. Was this really a good idea to allow him in her shop?

"That wasn't something that you seemed interested in during the previous weekends. Why are you interested now?" He then watches her closely as she returns with a couple of bars. He knew there was two ways that he could handle it – the pesky flirting, or actually try another approach with honesty. The truth was always a good foundation to have for any relationship.

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