Chapter 71: A Favor....

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Friday, September 15 – Chicagoland Speedway

Following breakfast, Chase made his way out of the motorcoach, headed for the garage area. He had told Sarina that he and Alan wanted to have a discussion prior to practice, but his trip out there was for another reason all together.

Knowing Dale had morning media availability, he waited until his teammate got back, before making his way over to the 88 hauler. He knew once in the infield, Dale wouldn't head back to the motorcoach, but rather relaxing there until their lone practice later that day.

Chase makes his way through the hauler, not getting stopped by crew members, as it was custom for Hendrick drivers to be in each other's spots, trading notes or just kicking back relaxing. Most weekends, Chase was over at Jimmie Johnson's, picking the seven-time champion's mind for advice when he felt it was needed.

As always, he knocked on the door before going inside, not wanting to disturb Dale if he was busy.

"Come in," he hears him say, opening the door and heading inside, slipping it shut behind him. Given the nature of their conversation to come, he didn't want everybody overhearing. "Hey Chase. What are you doing out here so early?"

"I'm always up early and I wanted to come see you before practice," Chase reveals, earning a curious glance from his teammate. That shouldn't be a surprise. It wasn't like they had conversations every week, and certainly not this early in the day.  "Can I ask you a favor?" Dale was now caught off-guard, but figured knowing Chase it would be no problem at all. What was the worst thing he could ask him right now? 

"Of course." Chase expected that type of answer as he knew his teammates were always open to helping.

"I want to do something for Sarina." That honestly didn't surprise Dale as he had noticed how close the pair had continued to get, and it made sense given the recent drama consuming their lives. "I want to find her family...." Dale looked on confused. He knew there had been some drama in her life – hence her brother's actions, but didn't know the full history. And now he was wanting to unbury more of it after a recent string of actions which had taken place. Was this really happening? 

"Care to explain?" Chase takes a deep breath, knowing these words would break a promise he made.

"Promise not to tell anyone what I'm telling you?" Dale nods his head, feeling a little worried now. He didn't want to get pulled into something he'd be regretting. However, he fully listened as Chase detailed the full background – from what happened when she was a little girl, to moving out to California, to moving down to North Carolina. Dale could only shake his head in disbelief as he never could've guessed that type of background. "You found out your whole family history. I mean, even where your great grandparents lived and got married. Isn't that where you proposed to Amy? You're the history master. I figured you could help. If not, that's okay...." Dale takes a deep breath, knowing he couldn't leave Chase hanging. He grabs a piece of paper, writing down some information before handing it over to the young man before him.

"Take this information, go to this website and do some research. You know her parent's names and her brother and cousin so start there. If there's anything, you'll start to see possible branches of a family tree and then can trace that." Chase glances down at the writing, noticing it was a username and password. It seemed almost too easy. He almost felt stupid for even coming through these doors right now. 

" That's all that you used?" Dale shakes his head, knowing it took a little more to find everything he found. However, he knew it'd be a great start for Chase while he worked on the rest of the puzzle. 

"I've got a friend who works in this field. I'll give him a call and see if he's open to helping you out. He doesn't accept new clients easily, but he may do you good." Chase smiles, glad he had come to Dale with the idea. He just hoped this 'friend' agreed to help.

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