Chapter 79: Chase vs. Denny

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How could this happen? Why did this happen? And what the hell was Denny Hamlin thinking? Chase was in total belief of what had just transpired in a matter of a couple of laps. One minute, he could potentially see his first career victory; next minute, he was turned around backwards.

It was one thing to bump a guy, give them the bump-and-run, rough them up a little. However, the key was that you didn't totally wipe the guy's chances of a decent day or result in heavy damage to his car. You also gave him a chance, should he save it and get back to you, to return the favor.

It was another thing in entirely just wipe a guy out no questions asked – and that's what had him riled up. He wasn't going to stand for that, no matter who it was that did it to him to begin with.

That's why following the event, he made sure to go looking for him, set to send a message and tell him he wasn't happy and wouldn't put up with that bullshit. Driving into him was satisfaction for the frustration that he was experiencing.

Following the bumps and seeing Denny stop short of pit road, it didn't change his views at all. Instead, he was set to actually give him word for word what he thought of him. Throwing the steering wheel on the dash, and the belts off whatever direction they'd go, he began to climb out, set to meet him eye to eye. It was time to be a man and face the consequences of what he did...

"That was bullshit running into me after the checkered!" Denny yells to start, not even fully climbed out. Chase had to chuckle to himself and look back in disbelief. Was this guy serious? Pretty sure the bullshit started before then, and bigger than what had just happened. 

"You're kidding me, right?" Chase questions back in return as he finishes climbing out, watching Denny come walk up to him face-to-face. If this was what they were going to do, he wasn't about to back down in response.

"No matter what, that was ridiculous....." Chase couldn't believe this at all....

"You wrecked me...."

"I had someone right on my bumper..." Chase almost laughed back in his face, knowing that wasn't true as he had glanced up in the mirror once Denny had bumped him off of turn two. He knew exactly where they stood entering the corner. But hey, it's easier to blame a ghost right?

"There was two car lengths between you and the other guy..."

"I just tried to move you...." Chase almost laughed again, really not believing he was hearing this, especially from someone who had been racing as long as Denny had been. If anybody knew the difference between a bump-and-run, and a dump-and-run, it was the guy before him right now.

"You wrecked me, plain and simple..."

"I did not mean to wreck you. I just meant to give you a bump...." The intentions of the actions didn't really matter at this point. Besides, if you're going to attempt to use the bumper, you have to know it's a possibility. Why wouldn't Denny just own up to it already?

"But you just wrecked me!"

"You got into the 2 car. What's the difference?" Chase really wanted to laugh in his face now. This was unbelievable.... It was basic racecar driver etiquette they were arguing over now. 

"Come on man...."

"I got into you just like you got into Brad..." Except Brad wasn't turned around backwards. Anybody who had raced on short track as long as both of them knew the difference.

"Come on man....."

"You know it was just hard racing."

"You had my back wheels lifted up going into the corner!"

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