Chapter 70: Hot Dogs and Kisses...

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Thursday, September 14 – Chicagoland Speedway

With the last lap made on track, the pole for that night's ARCA race was officially hers. Sarina pumped her fist in the air, before sharing high-fives with each team member. She finally made it over to Chase, giving him a big hug.

"Great job!" He tells her, before giving her a kiss on a cheek. It was the customary post-lap celebration, but she had earned it. "That was a spectacular lap."

"I'm honestly in disbelief," she replies as she glances down pit road. "I was ready for either Christopher or Austin to be quicker."

"There's no beating perfection, and you ran your line perfectly." She nodded her head, easily accepting. She had to admit - she was certainly the queen of hitting marks for once. 

She then turned and did a couple media interviews, before going through the series of pole sitter photos that ARCA required. Once they were done, she met back up with Chase. Their plan was to make their way through the garage and grab a quick bite to eat before that night's race.

"Sarina!" The pair hear as they walk, glancing at each other curiously in seeing a man with a microphone and camera. "Can I get your reaction to Bethany Adam's guilty plea last weekend?" Sarina takes a deep breath, remembering the advice given to both her and Chase following the last media incident. It was simple - and would hopefully die down anything else to follow. 

"No comment," she replies as she continues walking. The reporter follows, keeping the camera and microphone focused on her, stopping her in her tracks. "Look, I said no comment. I'm here to focus on racing, and that alone. If you have a question about that, then maybe I'll answer. Otherwise, beat it!" The camera man doesn't move as he stays in the one position. "Don't make me call security."

"Look, I just wanted a quick comment to make my producer happy. You have to have some sort of reaction to the news. But okay, if you can't comment on that – what about the fact this involves your brother and your cousin? How is that affecting family life?" Chase knew the question was cutting the core as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as they tried to keep following the same path. "Would you care to say something if she can't?"

"No comment," Chase replies sternly as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. Perhaps this would deliver the necessary message. "Do I have to call security?" The reporter then moves away, allowing the pair to continue walking. They head straight to the KBM hauler, making their way inside and closing the door behind them.

"Did that seriously just happen?" Sarina questions and Chase nods his head as he types a text message to Morgan. There was also another part of her words of advice he remembered, and knew it'd be worth it here. Call it a good dish of karma. "What are you doing?"

"I noticed what his microphone said so I know his affiliation. I'm warning Morgan that there's someone being an ass and our reac-"

"Did I do something wrong?" Chase immediately shakes his head no as he looks up from the phone. Obviously she was not understanding the direction, nor remembered everything that was shared after their last incident. 

"You handled him perfectly for the way he was acting. Besides, once this gets to Morgan, she'll get a hold of NASCAR and strip his credential." He finishes sending the message, before putting his phone back in his pocket as he pulls her close. "You don't have anything to worry about."

"But I told him to beat it!" Chase nods his head, having heard that clearly. While it wasn't something that probably Morgan would've recommended, he wasn't about how to yell at her. It was a lot more tame than he wanted to offer. 

"He deserved that and anybody will see that, no matter how they spin it." He then rubs her shoulders. "Talk to me. I know the family comment had to touch you somehow." She shakes her head no, as it seemed to become the norm right? 

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