Chapter 54: Pocono

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Friday, July 28 – Pocono Raceway

Sarina emerges from the bathroom, brushing her hair, before pulling it up in a pony tail as she glances at herself in the mirror. She was ready to go kick some ass.

"Sarina..." She hears from the bed, noticing a pair of eyes watching her. She silently curses to herself as she walks over. She had hoped to not hear a voice, not hear a single shuffle of the blankets. She had tried to be as quiet as possible.

"Hey babes," she says as she leans over to him. "How are you feeling?" He shrugs his shoulders before laying back in the bed. The sleep he was enjoying before now was much better than this feeling.

"Sick to my stomach..." She then reaches over rubbing his leg, wishing she could snap her fingers and make it disappear. She hated seeing him still feeling this sick.

"It'll get better, Chase. You took the gravol, right?" He nods his head, pointing to the package that rested on the night table with the bottle of water. It was clock work since he had left the hospital.

"Where are you headed?" She knew the discussion was set to come, knowing what he'd want to do. It was why she had tried to be as quiet as possible, wanting to avoid it, knowing it'd take everything to convince him otherwise.

"First practice starts in a half hour." He then flings the blanket off of him – just as she expected, and sits up, but she places his hand on his chest. There was no way that he was going to get away with this today. "And where do you think you're going?"

"I'm coming to support you..." She shakes her head, the once over and up-and-down rocky night saying otherwise to his suggestion. "That's why I'm here this weeke-"

"You're feeling sick to your stomach, and can barely move right now. It's just a practice, Chase. I'll be back right after Marcus and I am done debriefing about the truck. You need to get your rest and work at feeling better." He lets out a sigh, knowing she was right, as he didn't feel like moving out of the bed. He just hoped it continued to subside as this sucked, majorly. "Besides, your parents will right outsid-"

"What about you? You're going to walk through the garage area alone?" She shakes her head as she knew there was no way he'd let that happen, already called in a favor. It was one that she was skeptical at first, given everything, but knew he was worthy of trust considering how he had handled the situation from the beginning ith her.

"Christopher and I are going to walk there together, and then he's going to walk back with me – just for peace of mind, okay? I knew you'd be worried about something happening..." He was almost set to put up a fight about staying there, but didn't have the energy. So he instead sat up, leaned in and kissed her.

"I'll see you later then. Be careful, but be fast." She smiles, nodding her head, knowing there was no doubt about both in her mind, especially the lather.

"Just take it easy, okay? Maybe if you're feeling better this afternoon you can come out for the second practice and see your guys, okay?" He nods his head as she puts the blanket back over him. She makes sure he's all tucked in before leaving the room. "He's going back to sleep. I'll see you both after."

"Good luck," Bill comments as she simply gives him a quick nod. It was still odd being this close with the parents, especially after all the recent fights they endured together. "Watch the tunnel turn. It seems like it's the easiest turn, but it's got some corkiness. Then you've got the slipperiness of turn three."

"Thanks for the tips, Bill," she replies as she puts her shoes on. She then hears a knock on the door, grabbing her phone off the table and heading out.


Sarina begins the walk back to the motorcoach, feeling a little out of place as she glanced around side-to-side. She was supposed to head back with Christopher after just completing their second practice, but he was stuck longer due to media. Not wanting to wait around 15 minutes to see Chase, she made the trip herself.

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