Chapter 34: Another Runner-up

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June 2017

Sarina leans back against the truck following the first practice, pleased with how it felt. There was nothing wrong with having posted the quickest time on the charts.

She hears her phone going off, expecting it to be Chase. She then smiles when she sees 'Rowdy' instead, hitting answer.

"That's my girl!!" He lets out on the phone as she laughs immediately. "I just had to call you and say that it is awesome seeing your name on top of the pylon. That is great. Nice job."

"If you're this excited over practice, I can't imagine what you'll be like if we can pull it off later on tonight," she replies with a chuckle. "But thank you boss, much appreciated."

"It is not a problem. I know how rough some of these weeks have been on you, so it is great to see you and Marcus finding your groove." She lets out a sigh, knowing those words hit deeper than probably Kyle would've thought so. If only he knew half of the chaos going on behind the scenes out of everyone's eyes.

"Do you actually have some time right now, Kyle? I want to talk to you about something...." She then walks off pit road, heading through the garage area in search of a quiet spot. She just hoped he said yes as she took the walk. After all, it wouldn't help her mind if they didn't have this conversation.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" She knew he was expecting something competition related, but this was far from it. However, it was just equally important being personal, and something that was becoming a possible distraction.

"I've talked with Chase about this, but I want an outside opinion – and I feel we're close enough to where I can say this. You won't say anything, will you?" Kyle felt intrigued about her words as he walked up into the lounge, closing the door behind him.

"Absolutely not." He knew if it was serious enough, though, that he would have to say something to Chase. However, considering the way she prefaced that, he was already beginning to grow some nerves.

"So you know my past as I made sure to open that box when my brother's identity and involvement came out. That was all about full discretion because I didn't want you to walk into something that you weren't comfortable with. With that said, did it change your opinion on me at all?" Kyle remembered the meeting in his office with him, Samantha and Marcus as she broke out her life story for him. He remembered the mix of feelings experienced through the discussion, as well as his words with Samantha afterwards.

"You didn't choose for your brother to get involved in drugs and mix up things. You didn't choose for your father to take his police job, and try to protect your brother in the process and get shot. You didn't choose for those people to find you and take your mom away from you, especially at such a young age. Everything that's happened – that's been a matter of circumstance around you, not your choic-"

"Even separating myself from my brother and family at that point?" He took a deep breath, seeing where the regret was probably coming from. He now understood the reason for the conversation, but wanted to make his point clear.

"Even that. He was making the wrong decisions at that time, and nobody would've blamed you from wanting to get away from that and get a fresh start after what you'd been through. Sarina, every choice that you've made has been a good choice. That said when we were done the meeting, I respected you even more because of everything that you've been through and how you've been able to fight back from it. The will to fight and be strong no matter what is one of those many reasons why I love having you drive for me." She felt a little more confidence, and felt the feelings of yesterday fading slightly. Perhaps she was worried over nothing.

"Thanks Kyle. I appreciate that..." He couldn't help but wonder now, though.

"Why did you ask about this, anyway?" She lets out a sigh. She didn't want to bring it up, knowing everybody had differing opinions on Chris already. What if she added fuel to the fire?

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