Chapter 23: The Duels

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February 2017

Chase glances out the window as he watches the rain continue to fall for the second straight day. In a way, it matched his attitude.

He had to admit the simple text message on Sunday was nice from Sarina. At that moment he had received it, it had caused a smile and hope to surround him. Though now sitting four days later, staring at his phone and seeing no more messages, the hope began to fade.

What if she had done that just to be polite? What if she had changed her mind? What if they'd never get back to where they were before?

As he finds himself sitting in the team hauler staring out the window once again, he could only think back to what he imagined the season being like. He pictured them hanging out at the track every weekend, telling each other jokes, picking on each other. He pictured some sweet moments where they'd be able to chat about everything under the sun. He pictured her winning some races, and he being in victory lane to celebrate with her. He pictured her being in victory lane when he'd win some races. He pictured himself getting her advice ahead some of the events. He even pictured racing door-to-door with her at Atlanta next week when he gets the chance to drive the truck for GMS Racing. He had to admit that part of the reason he had sought out running a couple truck races this year was to race against her.

Letting out a sigh, he wondered if perhaps it was time to let go. They always said in every break-up, you come to a time when you realize you're getting nowhere and it's time to move forward. Maybe that's what he needed to do. Rather than focusing on her and what could be, he should focus on what could be of his season and the team. He could also focus on having some fun times with his best friends, letting Ryan entertain him with all the ideas he had last year that they never fulfilled due to the busy schedule.

"You look like you're lost in your thoughts," he hears a voice, catching his attention as he looks back to see his dad standing there.

"Perhaps I am," he answers as he glances back out the window. It was nice to see the rain letting up, and track drying nearing completion with the trucks heading out for their first session. Letting out a sigh, he knew she should've been behind the wheel of the No. 18 truck that afternoon.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Chase shakes his head no, knowing the discussion would get him nowhere. The only thing everybody would suggest is what Jared said – calling Sarina himself and pushing the discussion subject. However, he still couldn't let himself do that because he didn't want to push her away. But the thought lingered as perhaps by not expressing enough feelings, he was indeed letting her slip away. "That's fine. I totally understand you wanting to keep your feelings about Sarina to yourself."

"How did you know that what I was thinking about? What if I was thinking about tonight?" Bill knew his son well, and knew racing was always on Chase's mind. Bill could just see Chase trying to make sure he had the right strategy to do well in the Duel, pondering over the lack of practice, and seeing if he could teach himself anything from the Clash. However, he knew by the look on his face that the thoughts didn't surround racing.

"Because I'm your father and I know you well. Based on what you told Cindy and I the other night, and based on the look on your face, I'm guessing you're thinking about her. You're wondering if she'll truly have the discussion you want to have, and whether you both have a future." Chase then looks away the window at her father, perhaps changing his mind on the discussion subject. Perhaps his father could make him feel better. Perhaps they could erase the topic from his mind so he could focus on racing that night.

"Do you see a future for Sarina and I, honestly?" Bill didn't know how to answer the question. He had to admit a lot had happened between the pair, and wasn't confident based on what he had seen of Sarina thus far. Her shady ways connected with the fact of hiding away, not wanting to confess further to find the barrier that they needed to close. Besides, she probably worried there'd be no comfort ever due to Chase's past with Chris, which Bill had to admit worried him, too.

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