Chapter 58: Michigan Raceday

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Saturday, August 12 – Michigan International Speedway

Sarina lets out a sigh as she leans back against the truck, looking down pit road. It was almost surreal to be standing there right now, set to start in a NASCAR national event at her home track.

Was this really happening?

Glancing up at the crowd, she wondered if any of her high school mates were amongst the fans there. She also wondered if maybe they recognized her, too, and were set to cheer for her. Letting out a sigh, she sometimes missed those gals after having to pick up and leave the state.

"So you set me up on a date?" A voice chimes in, catching her attention as she spins around and smiles. This was certainly a good distraction, as she knew thinking about other things for long would probably not have a good effect.

"You need a girl Blaney," she replies as Ryan just rolls his eyes. "I figured I'd help you out with some company tonight." Ryan then crosses his arms, honestly scared as he already had learned what she was capable of when it came to pranks.

"I don't know a single thing about her. I don't even know what she looks like, her personality, name, or age. I mean, can't I know something?" Sarina shakes her head. "Okay, so what if I show up at this meeting place and I get kidnapped?"

"That won't happen, Ryan; I'm not that evil. Besides, I'll be hidden somewhere to make sure that it's the right girl and nothing happens to you." Ryan then looks at her with a glance of surprise. Was this really a situation he wanted to get involved in? "I'm serious!"

"For some reason, I trust you...." He then gives her a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck..." He then walks away as Chase glances between the pair confused.

"Don't ask..." Chase then gives an intrigued look to Sarina, who can only laugh. He could already see where this was going. "Just make sure you're there around 8 o' clock tonight."

"Another prank?" He questions as Sarina shrugs her shoulders, grabbing his hand. She didn't want to give anything away in case the details were spoiled.

"Like I said, don't ask. Besides, it's time for opening ceremonies...." Chase lets out a sigh as he stands by her, taking it all in.

The race that day went smoothly as Sarina ran up front all day long en route to scoring a solid seventh-place finish. She wasn't overly excited, but she was pleased – it was a decent finish and that's what she needed right now. She knew they could build on that in the weeks to come.

As promised, she found her hiding spot, alongside Chase, later on that night in the motorcoach lot. Glancing at her watch, she saw Ryan show up when he was supposed to per her original text message. She could only laugh as she glanced down the alleyway, cuing up her little project.

"Should I ask?" Chase wonders once again as Sarina laughs, shaking her head. It was almost getting too hard to keep a secret.

"Ryan is in for a surprise," she offers with a smirk. She then turns the controls on, and hits a button. Chase could only watch in amazement as this robot came out of the alleyway, turning the corner, and walking up to Ryan.

"That looks almost real...." Sarina could only smile a little more, knowing she had some pretty good resources. She had to remember to send an extra thank you note.

"It pays to know smart people...." Chase rolls his eyes, but yet still at the same time curious as to whom she knew that'd have access to this thing.

"Are you Mr. Ryan Blaney?" The robot then speaks, per it's program, impressing Chase. The more he learned about the robot, the more fear began to form inside of him. What was this girl beside him truly capable of?

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