ch1:painfull pun

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Three man stranded on the beach, each of them wearing a black cloak with red cloud pattern.

The first guy was a slim guy with orange swirly mask covering his face. Lying sprawled on the beach staring at the blue sky above him.

Another man walked up to the masked man, sat beside the masked man, and asked him a question

"where are we ? " (Pain)

The man had piercing all over his face. purple circle pattern drawn on his eyes . The famous akatsuki's leader, pain. He glared at the orange masked man.

"Tobi doesn't know anything, ask itachi. He is smart! :)" (Tobi)

A vein appeared on pain's face. He was reminded how annoying obito could be when he was acting as tobi. Pain shifted his gaze toward the other member. The only member with a good head in akatsuki.

Raven black eyes staring at the sea, his eyes turned red creating three tomoe around his pupil. He scanned the surrounding. His face turned into a frown, as he realized they had been stranded in a random island.

"I dont know either, we are the only one here." ( Itachi)

" Come on guys, just relax and stare at those beuatifull clouds. Too much thinking will make you age faster." (Tobi)

The orange masked man said as he stared at pain.

"And thats why you are stuck as stupid boy. Try to use your head more often tobi"(pain)

Pain said toward the masked man. The masked man smirked and replied

"Thinking is a huge pain in the ass" (obito)

Pain's head snapped toward tobi. He raised his hand, pointing his right hand toward tobi.

" All mighty pull!!" (Pain)

Tobi's body got pulled toward pain's hand. Pain brought tobi's head closer to his face.

" Say that again..."(Pain)

Tobi's face turn blue as he franticly search for any reasonable excuses. In the end he gave up and recieved an iron claw from pain.

"Stopp!!! Its painfulll you know!!!"(tobi)

Another vein appeared on pain's head. He tightened the grip around tobi's head.

"Gyaaa!! Its splitting my head is splittinggg!!!! Release me from this pain!!!!" ( Tobi)

His word just fueled pain's anger even more, he almost considered using almighty pull on his grip.

"Pffftt" ( itachi)

The raven haired boy chuckled at the scene. No matter where they are tobi always know how to break the ice.

"I think thats enough, first of all we should think about your body pain...yahiko?....nagato?" ( Itachi)

Pain released his grip letting tobi go. He turned his head toward the uchiha and said

" I am still nagato inside, but this body is indeed yahiko's. Just call me pain for now" (pain)

Pain said head casted down hiding his eyes. Itachi narrowed his eyes at his leader.

" Yeah you really are pain in the a-" ( tobi)

itachi used his hand to covered tobi's mouth. He didn't want to turn this island into a small moon.

"I see, but how does that work? You should be able to return to your own body right?" ( Itachi)

Pain hold his chin with his index finger thinking of a logical explaination.

" I don't understand either, i can't return to my own body. I guess im stuck in this body from now on" ( pain)

The place went silent as they thought of the reason they ended up on this island.

He was remineded that all of this happened bacuse of the masked man expirement....

Few minutes ago they were experimenting new space time ninjutsu after failing to catch the ninetail beast.

This time they add nagato's rinnegan to enhance the scope and power of the ninjutsu. In theory they should be able to make a mini tsukuyomi that last a bit longer than before. Little did they know, they had artificially created rinne-sharingan space time jutsu.

The silence continue for several hour, they had no idea how to return to their own world. Finally silence was broken by tobi's question.

" How do you feel when you realise you can't go back to your own body?" ( Tobi)

"Its a huge pain in the as-........"( Pain)

That day a small moon was formed right above the island.

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